
Fundamental Sciences research impacts

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Rows of test tubes, one being filled by a purple syringe

Our Fundamental Science researchers use an interdisciplinary mix of scientific fundamentals - chemistry, mathematics, biology and physics - to deliver a range of practical and theoretical solutions for management of disease, overcoming environmental problems and innovating our understanding of the universe.

App to Map Vulnerable Ecosystems Within Minutes

A mapmaking app created by Õ¬Äи£Àû scientists harnesses the power of Google and NASA to empower ecologists to create a view on ecosystems without any specialist equipment.

The Cobalt Threshold

Research in the Õ¬Äи£Àû School of Chemistry helps protect animals in the racing industry, by informing regulatory limits of cobalt, a key element in metabolic processes.

The Mathematics of Disease

Researchers from Õ¬Äи£Àû, and their partners in academia, government and industry, are using contemporary mathematical modelling to help in the fight against HIV.