
Our extended community consultation

Join our extended community consultation to shape Õ¬Äи£Àû's Societal Impact Framework.

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2021 Õ¬Äи£Àû Civil Engineering Industry Partners Elite Student Breakfast

We value the input of Õ¬Äи£Àû alumni, government officials, philathropists, industry and non-profit leaders in our community. Your perspectives are vital to our mission.

Purpose of the consultations

We are inviting our extended community to be part of our consultations to develop our Societal Impact Framework. This includes Õ¬Äи£Àû alumni, government officials, philathropists, industry and non-profit leaders in our community. Commencing in February 2024 we will be running consultation workshops. These consultations will begin the university-wide engagement process to genuinely understand how Õ¬Äи£Àû can create a better world and the strategic priorities needed to enable this.

Date: Tuesday, 12 March 2024 

Format: 2 hour workshop

Where: Õ¬Äи£Àû Kensington (territory of the Bedegal people) and Õ¬Äи£Àû (territory of the Ngunnawal people) campuses

The consultations encompass a series of workshops in Sydney, and an opportunity to participate in an online survey if you are unable to attend the workshops. A comprehensive Discussion Paper is now available. The purpose of this paper is to create a shared understanding of what Õ¬Äи£Àû’s Societal Impact Framework is aiming to achieve and the importance of the consultations as a key source of insights. Early views and research presented in this paper will undergo changes as we listen, learn and reconsider during the consultations

Why your input is important

The magnitude of change we're aspiring to achieve requires strong partnerships and a coalition of diverse experts within our extended Õ¬Äи£Àû community. We want to ensure our education and our research are addressing pressing societal needs and taking innovative approaches to complex, real-world challenges.

The insights gathered from the consultations will be used to develop Õ¬Äи£Àû’s Societal Impact Framework.

The consultations will provide:

  1. A genuine opportunity to influence strategic priorities, thinking and approach.
  2. An opportunity to reflect on our unique contributions, strengths and values.
  3. A means of understanding the diversity of Õ¬Äи£Àû’s impact, and not just that captured in traditional measurement and reporting methods.
  4. An elevated voice for Indigenous staff, students and our extended community through dedicated sessions.
  5. An assurance that Õ¬Äи£Àû values the diversity of our societal impact, and the impact focus areas will not be pursued at the exclusion of other forms of societal impact.

Contact us

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the Societal Impact Framework or the consultation process, please get in touch.