
Council and Council committees

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The University's governance is supported by a committee structure which includes the University Council, Academic Board, Faculty Boards and associated committees of these bodies. Authority for their establishment and functions can be found in the , and the University of New South Wales Rules.



The Õ¬Äи£Àû Council is the governing body of the University, promoting the objectives and interests if Õ¬Äи£Àû. Discover more about our membership and key Council proceedings.

Council & Council committees meeting dates

Stay informed about the latest updates on Õ¬Äи£Àû's Council and committee meeting dates.

Council membership

Meet our Council members including, official members, ministerial appointments, members appointed by Council and elected members.

Council members biographies

Find out more about Õ¬Äи£Àû's Council members through their biographies as well as key areas of interest.

Council committees

The Universities governance is supported by a committee structure. View our committees, their terms of reference and membership.


You'll find key resources including, Council templates, our Risk Matrix and more.