
Represent: Competition

Win $5000 in this Diversity Festival art competition.

Filtered cards
Two students graphic design

All current Õ¬Äи£Àû undergraduate and postgraduate students are invited to design and submit their visual pieces of art which represent concepts of equity, diversity and inclusion.

The winning artwork will be used in Õ¬Äи£Àû’s EDI-led online training materials and resources.

Prize: $5000

Entries are open now and close on Tuesday 1 October.

What you need to know

  • Submitted art should represent all three of these themes:

    • ·¡±ç³Ü¾±³Ù²â.Ìý
    • Diversity.
    • Inclusion.

    Entrants should submit at least three and no more than six pieces.

    The artworks must be new, unpublished and original works.

    Each piece should be interpretive and metaphorical (they should not include literal or figure-based images).

    The art should be submitted and transferrable digitally (this can include high-resolution photos of 2D works, such as paintings and collages).

    Entries are open now and close at 11.59pm, Tuesday 1 October. The competition is open to all current Õ¬Äи£Àû undergraduate and postgraduate students.

    • Entrants should submit 3-6 pieces in total. The artworks must be new, unpublished and original works.
    • Be interpretive and metaphorical. They should not include literal or figure-based images.
    • Be submitted digitally – this can be either photographs of the pieces or digital renderings.
    • Be able to be transferred digitally.
    • Entrants can include an optional artist’s statement to accompany submissions.
    • Submit your artwork entries as 300 DPI in either JPEG or PNG, with a maximum file size of 10MB, using the entry form below.
  • All entries will be individually judged by a panel of qualified judges on their merits based on the originality of the Works and its connection to the competition themes.

    Judging will take place within two weeks of the closing date for submissions.  

    The winner will receive $5000 as a lump sum prize within 30 days of receiving a valid invoice.

  • You should read the competition terms & conditions (T&Cs) carefully before entering.

    Key T&Cs include:

    • The artworks entered must be new, unpublished and original works.
    • An entrant may not use, publish or communicate their artworks during the competition period until the winner is announced.
    • The winner will grant Õ¬Äи£Àû an exclusive licence to use their artwork for promotional and commercial purposes.
    • The winner will need to enter into a separate licence agreement with Õ¬Äи£Àû.
  • If you have any questions please contact: access_equity_inclusion@unsw.edu.au

Bookmarks document icon

Competition Terms & Guidelines

Read these T&Cs carefully before entering the competition  

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Diversity Festival 2024

A week of free in-person, online and hybrid events to ignite important conversations and celebrate the diversity of our community.