
Scientia Professor Sven Rogge

Scientia Professor Sven Rogge

Dean of Science
PhD in Physics (Stanford University, 1997) | BSc in Physics (Universit?t Karlsruhe, 1991)
School of Physics

Professor Sven Rogge is the Dean of the Faculty of Science at the University of New South Wales, Sydney (Õ¬Äи£Àû).?Sven¡¯s?research interest is in?, in particular quantum electronics, at the?School of Physics.?Sven?works on quantum computation in silicon in the?. In a team of enthusiastic researchers,?they?work on gaining atomistic insight into the interactions of quantum objects, like atoms and qubits, with their environment. This allows?the team?to manipulate quantum information and minimise decoherence. Before joining Õ¬Äи£Àû in 2011 Sven worked at the Kavli Institute for??at??and?.


    • Control entanglement in a solid-state system, i.e. qubits
    • Study the interaction between qubits and light
    • Build and control molecular states in a solid with atomic precision
  • The goal of my??is to understand the physics of qubit coupling with the environment to understand decoherence pathways and to control. The control over the electron wavefunction requires interface which lead to the loss of bulk properties of the qubit due to physical processes like the valley-orbit coupling, exchange, and many-body effects in coherent coupling. The atomistic understanding of the interaction between the environment and the qubit is essential for quantum computation since it allows the achievement of optimal coherence times and optimal robustness of the quantum gates. Optical addressing of electrons in Si is nontrivial but vastly beneficial due to the gained flexibility and unprecedented high resolution. We investigate efficient read-out and coupling schemes to open up new pathways into optical control.

  • We look for enthusiastic PhD and Honours candidates for research projects. Prestigious Scholarship are available which are typically valued at $36,000 per annum for up to three-and-a-half years. The successful scholarship applicant will be expected to enrol for a PhD degree and should have an honours degree (level 1 or 2A) or equivalent, in Physics, Applied Physics, Material Science or a related subject. International applicants with a Masters degree are strongly encouraged to apply. Interested candidates should contact me to discuss possible projects and the application procedure. International applicants are very welcome! Please email an application containing a complete resume including telephone numbers, email address, and contact details of three academic referees to me. You will get a confirmation within a few days. The scholarships will remain open until filled.

  • There are always projects in the main research areas which focus on low temperature scanning-tunnelling spectroscopy, atomistic transport, and the interaction of light and matter at the atomic scale. We have a team of 15 enthusiastic researchers ranging from undergraduates to postdoctoral fellows. My group combines different research strengths and is very international. Õ¬Äи£Àû offers a first class laboratory and intellectual environment for atomic-scale electronics research.

  • PHY3118: Quantum Physics of Solids and Devices

  • I am the President of the?Australian Institute of Physics.


Verduijn J; Tettamanzi GC; Roggea S,?2013,?'Orbital structure and transport characteristics of single donors', in?Prati E; Shinada T?(ed.),?Single-Atom Nanoelectronics,?Pan Stanford Publishing,?Stanford,?pp. 211 - 230,?

Mol J; Rogge S,?2013,?'Circuits with Single-Atom Devices', in?Single-Atom Nanoelectronics,?Pan Stanford Publishing,?

Verduijn J; Tettamanzi G; Rogge S,?2013,?'Orbital Structure and Transport Characteristics of Single Donors', in?Single-Atom Nanoelectronics,?Pan Stanford Publishing,?

Mol JA; Rogge S,?2013,?'Circuits with Single-Atom Devices', in?Prati E; Shinada T?(ed.),?Single Atom Nanoelectronics,?PAN STANFORD PUBLISHING PTE LTD,?pp. 329 - 343,?

,?2012,?'New Tools for the Direct Characterisation of FinFETS', in?CMOS Nanoelectronics,?Jenny Stanford Publishing,?pp. 379 - 416,?

Tettamanzi GC; Paul A; Lee S; Klimeck G; Rogge S,?2012,?'New tools for the direct characterisation of FinFETS', in?CMOS Nanoelectronics: Innovative Devices, Architectures, and Applications,?pp. 361

Tettamanzi G,?2012,?'Dopant Metrology in Advanced FinFETs', in?Collaert N?(ed.),?CMOS NANOELECTRONICS: INNOVATIVE DEVICES, ARCHITECTURES, AND APPLICATIONS,?Pan Stanford Publishing 2012,?Singapore,?pp. 399 - 412,?

Tettamanzi G,?2012,?'New Tools for the Direct Characterisation of FinFETS', in?Collaert N?(ed.),?CMOS NANOELECTRONICS: INNOVATIVE DEVICES, ARCHITECTURES, AND APPLICATIONS,?Pan Stanford Publishing 2012,?Singapore,?pp. 361 - 398,?

Berkman IR; Lyasota A; De Boo GG; Bartholomew JG; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Xu BB; Xie S; Ahlefeldt RL; Sellars MJ; Yin C; Rogge S,?2023,?'Observing Er3+ Sites in Si with an in Situ Single-Photon Detector',?Physical Review Applied,?19,?

Mikhail D; Voisin B; St Medar DD; Buchs G; Rogge S; Rachel S,?2022,?'Quasiparticle excitations in a one-dimensional interacting topological insulator: Application for dopant-based quantum simulation',?Physical Review B,?106,?

Joch DJ; Slussarenko S; Wang Y; Pepper A; Xie S; Xu BB; Berkman IR; Rogge S; Pryde GJ,?2022,?'Certified random-number generation from quantum steering',?Physical Review A,?106,?

Yang J; Wang J; Fan W; Zhang Y; Duan C; Hu G; De Boo GG; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Rogge S; Yin C; Du J,?2022,?'Spectral Broadening of a Single Er3+ Ion in a Si Nanotransistor',?Physical Review Applied,?18,?

Yang J; Fan W; Zhang Y; Duan C; De Boo GG; Ahlefeldt RL; Longdell JJ; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Sellars MJ; Rogge S; Yin C; Du J,?2022,?'Zeeman and hyperfine interactions of a single Er 3+ 167 ion in Si',?Physical Review B,?105,?

Voisin B; Ng KSH; Salfi J; Usman M; Wong JC; Tankasala A; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Hutin L; Bertrand B; Vinet M; Valanoor N; Simmons MY; Rahman R; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S,?2022,?'Valley population of donor states in highly strained silicon',?Materials for Quantum Technology,?2,?pp. 025002 - 025002,?

Krauth FN; Gorman SK; He Y; Jones MT; Macha P; Kocsis S; Chua C; Voisin B; Rogge S; Rahman R; Chung Y; Simmons MY,?2022,?'Flopping-Mode Electric Dipole Spin Resonance in Phosphorus Donor Qubits in Silicon',?Physical Review Applied,?17,?

Osika EN; Kocsis S; Hsueh YL; Monir S; Chua C; Lam H; Voisin B; Simmons MY; Rogge S; Rahman R,?2022,?'Spin-Photon Coupling for Atomic Qubit Devices in Silicon',?Physical Review Applied,?17,?

Tankasala A; Voisin B; Kembrey Z; Salfi J; Hsueh YL; Osika EN; Rogge S; Rahman R,?2022,?'Shallow dopant pairs in silicon: An atomistic full configuration interaction study',?Physical Review B,?105,?

Hu G; Ahlefeldt RL; De Boo GG; Lyasota A; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Sellars MJ; Yin C; Rogge S,?2022,?'Single site optical spectroscopy of coupled Er3+ion pairs in silicon',?Quantum Science and Technology,?7,?

Hu G; De Boo GG; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Sellars MJ; Yin C; Rogge S,?2022,?'Erratum: Time-Resolved Photoionization Detection of a Single Er3+Ion in Silicon (Nano Letters (2022) 22:1 (396-401) DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c04072)',?Nano Letters,?22,?pp. 1456 - 1456,?

Hu G; De Boo GG; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Sellars MJ; Yin C; Rogge S,?2022,?'Time-Resolved Photoionization Detection of a Single Er3+Ion in Silicon',?Nano Letters,?22,?pp. 396 - 401,?

Chong S; Rogge SMJ; Kim J,?2021,?'Tunable Electrical Conductivity of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks',?CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS,?34,?pp. 254 - 265,?

Wang Z; Marcellina E; Hamilton AR; Cullen JH; Rogge S; Salfi J; Culcer D,?2021,?'Optimal operation points for ultrafast, highly coherent Ge hole spin-orbit qubits',?npj Quantum Information,?7,?

Voisin B; Salfi J; Rahman R; Rogge S,?2021,?'Novel characterization of dopant-based qubits',?MRS Bulletin,?46,?pp. 616 - 622,?

Xu BB; De Boo GG; Johnson BC; Ran?i? M; Bedoya AC; Morrison B; McCallum JC; Eggleton BJ; Sellars MJ; Yin C; Rogge S,?2021,?'Ultrashallow Junction Electrodes in Low-Loss Silicon Microring Resonators',?Physical Review Applied,?15,?

Holmes D; Johnson BC; Chua C; Voisin B; Kocsis S; Rubanov S; Robson SG; McCallum JC; McCamey DR; Rogge S; Jamieson DN,?2021,?'Isotopic enrichment of silicon by high fluence 28Si- ion implantation',?Physical Review Materials,?5,?

Kobayashi T; Salfi J; Chua C; van der Heijden J; House MG; Culcer D; Hutchison WD; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Riemann H; Abrosimov NV; Becker P; Pohl HJ; Simmons MY; Rogge S,?2021,?'Engineering long spin coherence times of spin¨Corbit qubits in silicon',?Nature Materials,?20,?pp. 38 - 42,?

Voisin B; Bocquel J; Tankasala A; Usman M; Salfi J; Rahman R; Simmons MY; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S,?2020,?'Valley interference and spin exchange at the atomic scale in silicon',?Nature Communications,?11,?pp. 6124,?

De Boo GG; Yin C; Ran?i? M; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Sellars MJ; Rogge S,?2020,?'High-resolution spectroscopy of individual erbium ions in strong magnetic fields',?Physical Review B,?102,?

Ng KSH; Voisin B; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Salfi J; Rogge S,?2020,?'Scanned Single-Electron Probe inside a Silicon Electronic Device',?ACS Nano,?14,?pp. 9449 - 9455,?

Rogge S,?2020,?'The role of science in the international response to COVID-19 and the imminent cuts to stem education',?Australian Physics,?57,?pp. 7

Everts JR; King GGG; Lambert NJ; Kocsis S; Rogge S; Longell JJ,?2020,?'Ultrastrong coupling between a microwave resonator and antiferromagnetic resonances of rare-earth ion spins',?Physical Review B,?101,?

Bayat A; Voisin B; Buchs G; Salfi J; Rogge S; Bose S,?2020,?'Certification of spin-based quantum simulators',?Physical Review A,?101,?

áÔ Ð¡; Salfi J; Chua C; van der Heijden J; House MG; Culcer D; Hutchison WD; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Riemann H; Abrosimov N; Becker P; Pohl H-J; Simmons MY; Rogge S,?2019,?'¥·¥ê¥³¥óÖФΥ¢¥¯¥»¥×¥¿²»¼ƒÎ凉¥Ô¥ó×´‘B¤ÎÖÆÓù¤Ë¤è¤ëéL¤¤¥³¥Ò©`¥ì¥ó¥¹•rég¤ÎŒg¬F',?,?pp. 265 - 265,?

Philippopoulos P; Chesi S; Salfi J; Rogge S; Coish WA,?2019,?'Hole spin echo envelope modulations',?Physical Review B,?100,?

Zhang Q; Hu G; De Boo GG; Ran?i? M; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Du J; Sellars MJ; Yin C; Rogge S,?2019,?'Single Rare-Earth Ions as Atomic-Scale Probes in Ultrascaled Transistors',?Nano Letters,?19,?pp. 5025 - 5030,?

Zhang Y; Shi L; Hu D; Chen S; Xie S; Lu Y; Cao Y; Zhu Z; Jin L; Guan BO; Rogge S; Li X,?2019,?'Full-visible multifunctional aluminium metasurfaces by: In situ anisotropic thermoplasmonic laser printing',?Nanoscale Horizons,?4,?pp. 601 - 609,?

van der Heijden J; Kobayashi T; House MG; Salfi J; Barraud S; Lavi¨¦ville R; Simmons MY; Rogge S,?2018,?'Readout and control of the spin-orbit states of two coupled acceptor atoms in a silicon transistor',?Science Advances,?4,?pp. eaat9199,?

Pakkiam P; Timofeev AV; House MG; Hogg MR; Kobayashi T; Koch M; Rogge S; Simmons MY,?2018,?'Single-Shot Single-Gate rf Spin Readout in Silicon',?Physical Review X,?8,?

áÔ Ð¡; van der Heijden J; Salfi J; House MG; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Riemann H; Abrosimov N; Becker P; Pohl H-J; Simmons MY; Rogge S,?2018,?'Spin Echo Study of Boron in 28Si at Millikelvin Temperature',?,?pp. 1023 - 1023,?

Salfi J; Voisin B; Tankasala A; Bocquel J; Usman M; Simmons MY; Hollenberg LCL; Rahman R; Rogge S,?2018,?'Valley Filtering in Spatial Maps of Coupling between Silicon Donors and Quantum Dots',?Physical Review X,?8,?

Rossi A; Klochan J; Timoshenko J; Hudson FE; M?tt?nen M; Rogge S; Dzurak AS; Kashcheyevs V; Tettamanzi GC,?2018,?'Gigahertz Single-Electron Pumping Mediated by Parasitic States',?Nano Letters,?18,?pp. 4141 - 4147,?

Abadillo-Uriel JC; Salfi J; Hu X; Rogge S; Calder¨®n MJ; Culcer D,?2018,?'Entanglement control and magic angles for acceptor qubits in Si',?Applied Physics Letters,?113,?

Tankasala A; Salfi J; Bocquel J; Voisin B; Usman M; Klimeck G; Simmons MY; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S; Rahman R,?2018,?'Two-electron states of a group-V donor in silicon from atomistic full configuration interactions',?Physical Review B,?97,?

Usman M; Voisin B; Salfi J; Rogge S; Hollenberg LCL,?2017,?'Towards visualisation of central-cell-effects in scanning tunnelling microscope images of subsurface dopant qubits in silicon',?Nanoscale,?9,?pp. 17013 - 17019,?

Fresch B; Bocquel J; Hiluf D; Rogge S; Levine RD; Remacle F,?2017,?'Implementation of Multivariable Logic Functions in Parallel by Electrically Addressing a Molecule of Three Dopants in Silicon',?ChemPhysChem,?18,?pp. 1790 - 1797,?

Klymenko MV; Rogge S; Remacle F,?2017,?'Electronic states and valley-orbit coupling in linear and planar molecules formed by coupled P donors in silicon',?Physical Review B,?95,?

Tettamanzi GC; Hile SJ; House MG; Fuechsle M; Rogge S; Simmons MY,?2017,?'Probing the Quantum States of a Single Atom Transistor at Microwave Frequencies',?ACS Nano,?11,?pp. 2444 - 2451,?

Van Der Heijden J; Tettamanzi GC; Rogge S,?2017,?'Dynamics of a single-atom electron pump',?Scientific Reports,?7,?

Fresch B; Bocquel J; Rogge S; Levine RD; Remacle F,?2017,?'A Probabilistic Finite State Logic Machine Realized Experimentally on a Single Dopant Atom',?Nano Letters,?17,?pp. 1846 - 1852,?

Tettamanzi GC; Hile SJ; House MG; Fuechsle M; Rogge S; Simmons MY,?2017,?'Probing the Quantum States of a Single Atom Transistor at Microwave Frequencies (vol 11, pg 2444, 2017)',?ACS NANO,?11,?pp. 3420 - 3420,?

Agundez RR; Hill CD; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S; Blaauboer M,?2017,?'Superadiabatic quantum state transfer in spin chains',?Physical Review A,?95,?

House MG; Bartlett I; Pakkiam P; Koch M; Peretz E; Van Der Heijden J; Kobayashi T; Rogge S; Simmons MY,?2016,?'High-Sensitivity Charge Detection with a Single-Lead Quantum Dot for Scalable Quantum Computation',?Physical Review Applied,?6,?

Usman M; Bocquel J; Salfi J; Voisin B; Tankasala A; Rahman R; Simmons MY; Rogge S; Hollenberg LCL,?2016,?'Spatial metrology of dopants in silicon with exact lattice site precision',?Nature Nanotechnology,?11,?pp. 763 - 768,?

Salfi J; Mol JA; Culcer D; Rogge S,?2016,?'Charge-Insensitive Single-Atom Spin-Orbit Qubit in Silicon',?Physical Review Letters,?116,?

Salfi J; Tong M; Rogge S; Culcer D,?2016,?'Quantum computing with acceptor spins in silicon',?Nanotechnology,?27,?

Salfi J; Mol JA; Rahman R; Klimeck G; Simmons MY; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S,?2016,?'Quantum simulation of the Hubbard model with dopant atoms in silicon',?Nature Communications,?7,?

Kobayashi T; Van Der Heijden J; House MG; Hile SJ; Asshoff P; Gonzalez-Zalba MF; Vinet M; Simmons MY; Rogge S,?2016,?'Resonant tunneling spectroscopy of valley eigenstates on a donor-quantum dot coupled system',?Applied Physics Letters,?108,?

Saraiva AL; Salfi J; Bocquel J; Voisin B; Rogge S; Capaz RB; Calder¨®n MJ; Koiller B,?2016,?'Donor wave functions in Si gauged by STM images',?Physical Review B,?93,?

Fernandez-Gonzalvo X; Chen YH; Yin C; Rogge S; Longdell JJ,?2015,?'Coherent frequency up-conversion of microwaves to the optical telecommunications band in an Er:YSO crystal',?Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics,?92,?

House MG; Kobayashi T; Weber B; Hile SJ; Watson TF; Van Der Heijden J; Rogge S; Simmons MY,?2015,?'Radio frequency measurements of tunnel couplings and singlet-triplet spin states in Si:P quantum dots',?Nature Communications,?6,?

Klymenko MV; Rogge S; Remacle F,?2015,?'Multivalley envelope function equations and effective potentials for phosphorus impurity in silicon',?Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,?92,?

Hill CD; Peretz E; Hile SJ; House MG; Fuechsle M; Rogge S; Simmons MY; Hollenberg LCL,?2015,?'Quantum Computing: A surface code quantum computer in silicon',?Science Advances,?1,?

Hile SJ; House MG; Peretz E; Verduijn J; Widmann D; Kobayashi T; Rogge S; Simmons MY,?2015,?'Radio frequency reflectometry and charge sensing of a precision placed donor in silicon',?Applied Physics Letters,?107,?

Purches WE; Rossi A; Zhao R; Kafanov S; Duty TL; Dzurak AS; Rogge S; Tettamanzi GC,?2015,?'A planar Al-Si Schottky barrier metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor operated at cryogenic temperatures',?Applied Physics Letters,?107,?

Usman M; Hill CD; Rahman R; Klimeck G; Simmons MY; Rogge S; Hollenberg LCL,?2015,?'Strain and electric field control of hyperfine interactions for donor spin qubits in silicon',?Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,?91,?

Mol JA; Salfi J; Rahman R; Hsueh Y; Miwa JA; Klimeck G; Simmons MY; Rogge S,?2015,?'Interface-induced heavy-hole/light-hole splitting of acceptors in silicon',?Applied Physics Letters,?106,?

Usman M; Rahman R; Salfi J; Bocquel J; Voisin B; Rogge S; Klimeck G; Hollenberg LLC,?2015,?'Donor hyperfine Stark shift and the role of central-cell corrections in tight-binding theory',?Journal of Physics Condensed Matter,?27,?

Schofield SR; Rogge S,?2015,?'Single dopants in semiconductors',?Journal of Physics Condensed Matter,?27,?

Voisin B; Salfi J; Bocquel J; Rahman R; Rogge S,?2015,?'Spatially resolved resonant tunneling on single atoms in silicon',?Journal of Physics Condensed Matter,?27,?

Agundez RR; Salfi J; Rogge S; Blaauboer M,?2015,?'Local Kondo temperatures in atomic chains',?Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,?91,?

Urdampilleta M; Chatterjee A; Lo CC; Kobayashi T; Mansir J; Barraud S; Betz AC; Rogge S; Gonzalez-Zalba MF; Morton JJL,?2015,?'Charge dynamics and spin blockade in a hybrid double quantum dot in silicon',?Physical Review X,?5,?

Rossi A; Tanttu T; Tan KY; Iisakka I; Zhao R; Chan KW; Tettamanzi GC; Rogge S; Dzurak AS; M?tt?nen M,?2014,?'An accurate single-electron pump based on a highly tunable silicon quantum dot',?Nano Letters,?14,?pp. 3405 - 3411,?

Van Der Heijden J; Salfi J; Mol JA; Verduijn J; Tettamanzi GC; Hamilton AR; Collaert N; Rogge S,?2014,?'Probing the spin states of a single acceptor atom',?Nano Letters,?14,?pp. 1492 - 1496,?

Verduijn J; Vinet M; Rogge S,?2014,?'Radio-frequency dispersive detection of donor atoms in a field-effect transistor',?Applied Physics Letters,?104,?pp. 102107-1 - 102107-4,?

Tettamanzi GC; Wacquez R; Rogge S,?2014,?'Charge pumping through a single donor atom',?New Journal of Physics,?16,?

Salfi J; Mol JA; Rahman R; Klimeck G; Simmons MY; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S,?2014,?'Spatially resolving valley quantum interference of a donor in silicon',?Nature Materials,?13,?pp. 605 - 610,?

Zwanenburg FA; Dzurak AS; Morello A; Simmons MY; Hollenberg LCL; Klimeck G; Rogge S; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA,?2013,?'Silicon Quantum Electronics',?Reviews of Modern Physics,?85,?pp. 961 - 1019,?

Rogge S; Sellars MJ,?2013,?'Quantum computing: Atomic clocks in the solid state',?Nature Nanotechnology,?8,?pp. 544 - 545,?

Tettamanzi G,?2013,?'Erratum: Lifetime-Enhanced Transport in Silicon due to Spin and Valley Blockade (vol 107, 136602, 2011)',?Physical Review Letters,?110,?pp. 49901 - 049901,?

Simmons MY; Miwa JA; Rogge S; Mol J; Salfi J,?2013,?'Interplay between quantum confinement and dielectric mismatch for ultra-shallow dopants',?Physical Review B,?87,?pp. 245417,?

Agundez RR; Verduijn J; Rogge S; Blaauboer M,?2013,?'Magnetic flux tuning of Fano-Kondo interplay in a parallel double quantum dot system',?Physical Review B,?87,?pp. Article number235407,?

Collini E; Levine RD; Remacle F; Rogge S; Willner I,?2013,?'Multi project: Multi-valued and parallel molecular logic',?International Journal of Unconventional Computing,?8,?pp. 307 - 312

Verduijn A; Agundez RR; Blaauboer M; Rogge S,?2013,?'Non-local coupling of two donor-bound electrons',?New Journal of Physics,?15,?

Yin CM; Rancic M; de Boo GG; Stavrias N; McCallum JC; Sellars MJ; Rogge S,?2013,?'Optical addressing of an individual erbium ion in silicon',?Nature,?497,?pp. 91 - 94,?

Simmons MY; Miwa JA; Mol J; Rogge S; Salfi J,?2013,?'Transport through a single donor in p-type silicon',?Applied Physics Letters,?103,?pp. 043106,?

Verduijn A; Tettamanzi G; Rogge S,?2013,?'Wave function control over a single donor atom',?Nano Letters,?14,?pp. 1476 - 1480,?

Prati E; De Michielis M; Belli M; Cocco S; Fanciulli M; Kotekar-Patil D; Ruoff M; Kern DP; Wharam DA; Verduijn JA; Tettamanzi G; Rogge S; Roche B; Wacquez R; Jehl X; Vinet M; Sanquer M,?2012,?'Few electron limit of n-type metal oxide semiconductor single electron transistors',?Nanotechnology,?23,?pp. 215204-1 - 215204-5,?

Paul A; Tettamanzi G; Lee S; Mehrotra SR; Collaert N; Biesemans S; Rogge S; Klimeck?,?2012,?'Interface trap density metrology from sub-threshold transport in highly scaled undoped Si n-FinFETs',?Journal of Applied Physics,?110,?pp. 124507 - 124516,?

Tettamanzi G; Verduijn JA; Lansbergen G; Blaauboer M; Calderon M; Aquado R; Rogge S,?2012,?'Magnetic-Field Probing of an SU(4) Kondo Resonance in a Single-Atom Transistor',?Physical Review Letters,?108,?pp. 46803 - 046807,?

Fresch B; Verduijn A; Mol J; Rogge S; Remacle F,?2012,?'Querying a quasi-classical Oracle: One-bit function identification problem implemented in a single atom transistor',?Europhysics Letters,?99,?pp. 28004-1 - 28004-6,?

Tung BT; Nguyen HM; Dao DV; Rogge S; Salemink HWM; Sugiyama S,?2011,?'Strain sensitive effect in a triangular lattice photonic crystal hole-modified nanocavity',?IEEE Sensors Journal,?11,?pp. 2657 - 2663,?

Rahman R; Verduijn J; Kharche N; Lansbergen GP; Klimeck G; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S,?2011,?'Erratum: Engineered valley-orbit splittings in quantum-confined nanostructures in silicon (Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (2011) 83 (195323))',?Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,?83,?

Jehl X; Roche B; Sanquer M; Voisin B; Wacquez R; Deshpande V; Previtali B; Vinet M; Verduijn J; Tettamanzi GC; Rogge S; Kotekar-Patil D; Ruoff M; Kern D; Wharam DA; Belli M; Prati E; Fanciulli M,?2011,?'Mass production of silicon MOS-SETs: Can we live with nano-devices' variability?',?Procedia Computer Science,?7,?pp. 266 - 268,?

Mol J; Van der heijden J; Verduijn JA; Klein M; Remacle F; Rogge S,?2011,?'Balanced ternary addition using a gated silicon nanowire',?Applied Physics Letters,?99,?pp. 263109-1 - 263109-3,?

Rahman ; Lansbergen ; Verduijn A; Tettamanzi G; Park ; Collaert ; Biesemans ; Klimeck ; Hollenberg ; Rogge S,?2011,?'Electric field reduced charging energies and two-electron bound excited states of single donors in silicon',?Physical Review B,?84,?pp. 115458-1 - 115458-7,?

Rahman R; Verduijn JA; Kharche N; Lansbergen G; Klimeck ; Hollenberg ; Rogge S,?2011,?'Engineered valley-orbit splittings in quantum-confined nanostructures in silicon',?Physical Review B,?83,?pp. 195323-1 - 195323-5,?

Mol J; Verduijn A; Levine RD; Remacle F; Rogge S,?2011,?'Integrated logic circuits using single-atom transistors',?Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,?108,?pp. 13969 - 13972,?

Tettamanzi G; Paul A; Lee SH; Mehrotra S; Collaert N; Biesemans S; Klimeck G; Rogge S,?2011,?'Interface trap density metrology of state-of-the-art undoped Si n-FinFETs',?IEEE Electron Device Letters,?32,?pp. 440 - 442,?

Lansbergen G; Rahman R; Verduijn A; Tettamanzi G; Collaert N; Biesemans S; Klimeck G; Rogge S; Hollenberg L,?2011,?'Lifetime-enhanced transport in silicon due to spin and valley blockade',?Physical Review Letters,?107,?pp. 136602-1 - 136602-5,?

Gasseller M; Deninno M; Loo R; Harrison JF; Caymax M; Rogge S; Tessmer SH,?2011,?'Single-electron capacitance spectroscopy of individual dopants in silicon',?Nano Letters,?11,?pp. 5208 - 5212,?

Tettamanzi GC; Lansbergen GP; Verduijn J; Collaert N; Biesemans S; Blaauboer M; Rogge S,?2010,?'A novel Kondo effect in single atom transistors',?ICONN 2010 - Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,?pp. 319 - 321,?

Nguyen HM; Dundar MA; van der Heijden RW; van der Drift EWJM; Salemink HWM; Rogge S; Caro J,?2010,?'Compact mach-zehnder interferometer based on self-collimation of light in a silicon photonic crystal',?Optics InfoBase Conference Papers

Tung BT; Dao DV; Susumu S; Nguyen HM; Rogge S; Salemink HWM,?2010,?'Strain sensitivity of a modified single-defect photonic crystal nanocavity for mechanical sensing',?Proceedings of IEEE Sensors,?pp. 2585 - 2588,?

Johnson BC; Alves A; Van Donkelaar J; Thompson S; Yang C; Jamieson D; Verduijn A; Mol J; Tettamanzi G; Rogge S; Wacquez R; Vinet M; Dzurak A,?2010,?'Single Dopant Implantation into a Nanoscale MOSFET Devices',?ECS Meeting Abstracts,?MA2010-02,?pp. 1570 - 1570,?

Mol JA; Beentjes SPC; Rogge S,?2010,?'A low temperature surface preparation method for STM nano-lithography on Si(100)',?Applied Surface Science,?256,?pp. 5042 - 5045,?

Verduijn J; Tettamanzi G; Lansbergen G; Collaert N; Biesemans S; Rogge S,?2010,?'Coherent transport through a double donor system in silicon',?Applied Physics Letters,?96,?pp. 072110-1 - 072110-3,?

Nguyen HM; Dundar MA; Van der heijden RW; Van der drift EWJM; Salemink HWM; Rogge S; Caro J,?2010,?'Compact Mach-Zehnder interferometer based on self-collimation of light in a silicon photonic crystal',?Optics Express,?18,?pp. 6437 - 6446,?

Johnson BC; Tettamanzi G; Alves A; Thompson S; Yang C; Verduijn J; Mol JA; Wacquez R; Vinet M; Sanquer M; Rogge S; Jamieson DN,?2010,?'Drain current modulation in a nanoscale field-effect-transistor channel by single dopant implantation',?Applied Physics Letters,?96,?pp. 264102-1 - 264102-3,?

Yan Y; Mol JA; Verduijn J; Rogge S; Levine RD; Remacle F,?2010,?'Electrically addressing a molecule-like donor pair in silicon: An atomic scale cyclable full Adder logic',?Journal of Physical Chemistry C,?114,?pp. 20380 - 20386,?

Calderon M; Verduijn J; Lansbergen G; Tettamanzi G; Rogge S; Koiller B,?2010,?'Heterointerface effects on the charging energy of the shallow D? ground state in silicon: Role of dielectric mismatch',?Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter,?82,?pp. 075317-1 - 075317-7,?

Rogge S,?2010,?'Nanoelectronics: Single dopants learn their place',?Nature Nanotechnology,?5,?pp. 100 - 101,?

Tettamanzi G; Lansbergen G; Paul A; Lee S; Deosarran P; Collaert N; Biesemans S; Rogge S,?2010,?'Sub-threshold study of undoped trigate nFinFET',?Thin Solid Films,?518,?pp. 2521 - 2523,?

Klein M; Mol JA; Verduijn J; Lansbergen G; Rogge S; Levine RD; Remacle F,?2010,?'Ternary logic implemented on a single dopant atom field effect silicon transistor',?Applied Physics Letters,?96,?pp. 043107,?

Tettamanzi G; Paul A; Lansbergen G; Verduijn J; Lee S; Collaert N; Biesemans S; Klimeck G; Rogge S,?2010,?'Thermionic emission as a tool to study transport in undoped nFinFETs',?IEEE Electron Device Letters,?31,?pp. 150 - 152,?

Lansbergen G; Tettamanzi G; Verduijn J; Collaert N; Biesemans S; Blaauboer M; Rogge S,?2010,?'Tunable Kondo effect in a single donor atom',?Nano Letters,?10,?pp. 455 - 460,?

Craciun MF; Giovannetti G; Rogge S; Brocks G; Morpurgo AF; van den Brink J,?2009,?'Evidence for the formation of a Mott state in potassium-intercalated pentacene',?Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter,?79,?pp. 125116-1 - 125116-8,?

Rahman R; Park SH; Boykin TB; Klimeck G; Rogge S; Hollenberg L,?2009,?'Gate-induced g-factor control and dimensional transition for donors in multivalley semiconductors',?Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter,?80,?pp. 155301-1 - 155301-5,?

Rahman R; Lansbergen G; Park SH; Verduijn J; Klimeck G; Rogge S; Hollenberg L,?2009,?'Orbital Stark effect and quantum confinement transition of donors in silicon',?Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter,?80,?pp. 165314-1 - 165314-10,?

Klein M; Lansbergen G; Mol JA; Rogge S; Levine RD; Remacle F,?2009,?'Reconfigurable Logic Devices on a Single Dopant Atom¡ªOperation up to a Full Adder by Using Electrical Spectroscopy',?Chemphyschem,?10,?pp. 162 - 173,?

Lansbergen G; Rahman R; Wellard C; Caro J; Collaert N; Biesemans S; Klimeck G; Hollenberg L; Rogge S,?2008,?'Atomistic understanding of a single gated dopant atom in a MOSFET',?Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings,?1067,?pp. 12 - 17,?

Lansbergen GP; Rahman R; Wellard CJ; Caro J; Woo I; Colleart N; Biesemans S; Klimeck G; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S,?2008,?'Level spectrum of a single gated arsenic donor in a three terminal geometry',?Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings,?1117,?pp. 1 - 6,?

Nguyen MH; Rogge S; Caro J; van der Drift E; Salemink H,?2008,?'Mach-Zehnder interferometer based on collimation effect of photonic crystal',?Optics InfoBase Conference Papers

Lansbergen G; Rahman R; Wellard CJ; Woo I; Caro J; Collaert N; Biesemans S; Klimeck G; Hollenberg L; Rogge S,?2008,?'Gate-induced quantum-confinement transition of a single dopant atom in a silicon FinFET',?Nature Physics,?4,?pp. 656 - 661,?

Caro J; Roeling E; Rong B; Nguyen HM; Van der drift EWJM; Rogge S; Karouta F; Van der heijden RW; Salemink HWM,?2008,?'Transmission measurement of the photonic band gap of GaN photonic crystal slabs',?Applied Physics Letters,?93,?pp. 051117-1 - 051117-3,?

Snijders P; Moon E; Gonzalez C; Rogge S; Ortega J; Flores F; Weitering H,?2007,?'Controlled self-organization of atom vacancies in monatomic gallium layers',?Physical Review Letters,?99,?pp. 116102-1 - 116102-4,?

Sellier H; Lansbergen G; Caro J; Rogge S; Collaert N; Ferain I; Jurczak M; Biesemans S,?2007,?'Subthreshold channels at the edges of nanoscale triple-gate silicon transistors',?Applied Physics Letters,?90,?pp. 073502-1 - 073502-3,?

Klein M; Rogge S; Remacle F; Levine RD,?2007,?'Transcending binary logic by gating three coupled quantum dots',?Nano Letters,?7,?pp. 2795 - 2799,?

Lansbergen GP; Sellier H; Collaert N; Ferain I; Jurczak M; Biesemans S; Caro J; Rogge S,?2006,?'Single-dopant spectroscopy and sub-threshold channels at the corners of triple-gate FinFETs',?Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN,?pp. 351 - 354,?

Sellier H; Lansbergen GP; Caro J; Rogge S; Collaert N; Ferain I; Jurczak M; Biesemans S,?2006,?'Transport spectroscopy of a single dopant in a gated silicon nanowire',?Physical Review Letters,?97,?

Snijders PC; Rogge S; Weitering HH,?2006,?'Density waves in atomic necklaces',?Europhysics News,?37,?pp. 27 - 30,?

Morpurgo A; Craciun M; Rogge S; Iwasa Y,?2006,?'Alkali-doped Metal-phthalocyanines: Electronic Properties and Structure',?ECS Meeting Abstracts,?MA2005-01,?pp. 922 - 922,?

Craciun MF; Rogge S; den?Boer M-JL; Margadonna S; Prassides K; Iwasa Y; Morpurgo AF,?2006,?'Inside Front Cover: Electronic Transport through Electron-Doped Metal Phthalocyanine Materials (Adv. Mater. 3/2006)',?Advanced Materials,?18,?pp. NA - NA,?

Snijders P; Rogge S; Weitering H,?2006,?'Competing periodicities in fractionally filled one-dimensional bands',?Physical Review Letters,?96,?pp. 076801-1 - 076801-4,?

Craciun MF; Rogge S; den Boer M-JL; Margadonna S; Prassides K; Iwasa Y; Morpurgo AF,?2006,?'Electronic Transport through Electron-Doped Metal Phthalocyanine Materials',?Advanced Materials,?18,?pp. 320 - 324,?

Margadonna S; Prassides K; Iwasa Y; Taguchi Y; Craciun MF; Rogge S; Morpurgo AF,?2006,?'Potassium Phthalocyanine, KPc: One-Dimensional Molecular Stacks Bridged by K+ Ions',?Inorganic Chemistry,?45,?pp. 10472 - 10478,?

de Boer R; Stassen A; Craciun MF; Mulder C; Molinari A; Rogge S; Morpurgo AF,?2005,?'Ambipolar Cu- and Fe-phthalocyanine single-crystal field-effect transistors',?Applied Physics Letters,?86,?pp. 262109-1 - 262109-3,?

Craciun MF; Rogge S; Morpurgo AF,?2005,?'Correlation between molecular orbitals and doping dependence of the electrical conductivity in electron-doped metal-phthalocyanine compounds',?Journal of the American Chemical Society,?127,?pp. 12210 - 12211,?

Rogge S; Snijders P; Gonzalez C; Paul S; Ortega J; Flores F; Weitering H,?2005,?'Ga-induced atom wire formation and passivation of stepped Si(112)',?Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter,?72,?pp. 125343-1 - 125343-12,?

Craciun MF; Rogge S; den Boer M-JL; Klapwijk T; Morpurgo AF,?2004,?'Electron transport and tunnelling spectroscopy in alkali doped metal phthalocyanines',?Journal de Physique Iv,?114,?pp. 607 - 610,?

Smit G; Rogge S; Caro J; Klapwijk T,?2004,?'Conductance distribution in nanometer-sized semiconductor devices due to dopant statistics',?Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter,?69,?pp. 035338-1 - 035338-5,?

Caro J; Vink I; Smit G; Rogge S; Klapwijk T; Loo R; Caymax M,?2004,?'Direct observation by resonant tunneling of the B+ level in a delta-doped silicon barrier',?Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter,?69,?pp. 125324-1 - 125324-5,?

Gonzalez C; Snijders P; Ortega J; Perez R; Flores F; Rogge S; Weitering H,?2004,?'Formation of atom wires on vicinal silicon',?Physical Review Letters,?93,?pp. 126106-1 - 126106-4,?

Smit G; Rogge S; Caro J; Klapwijk T,?2004,?'Group-theoretical analysis of double acceptors in a magnetic field: Identification of the Si : B+ ground state',?Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter,?69,?pp. 085211-1 - 085211-7,?

Smit G; Rogge S; Caro J; Klapwijk T,?2004,?'Stark effect in shallow impurities in Si',?Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter,?70,?pp. 035206-1 - 035206-10,?

Rogge S; Durkut M; Klapwijk TM,?2003,?'Single domain transport measurements of C-60 films',?PHYSICAL REVIEW B,?67,?

Smit G; Rogge S; Caro J; Klapwijk T,?2003,?'Gate-induced ionization of single dopant atoms',?Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter,?68,?pp. 193302-1 - 193302-4,?

Snijders PC,?2003,?'New Structural Model of the Si(112)6 ¡Á 1-Ga Interface',?AIP Conference Proceedings,?

Craciun MF,?2003,?'Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy and Spectroscopy on Alkali Doped Copper Phthalocyanine',?AIP Conference Proceedings,?

Rogge S; Durkut M; Klapwijk T,?2003,?'Single domain transport measurements of C-60 films',?Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter,?67,?pp. 033410-1 - 033410-4,?

Smit G; Rogge S; Klapwijk T,?2002,?'Enhanced tunneling across nanometer-scale metal-semiconductor interfaces',?Applied Physics Letters,?80,?pp. 2568 - 2570,?

Smit G; Flokstra M; Rogge S; Klapwijk T,?2002,?'Scaling of micro-fabricated nanometer-sized Schottky diodes',?Microelectronic Engineering,?64,?pp. 429 - 433,?

Smit G; Rogge S; Klapwijk T,?2002,?'Scaling of nano-Schottky-diodes',?Applied Physics Letters,?81,?pp. 3852 - 3854,?

Rogge S; Timmerman R; Scholte P; Geerligs L; Salemink HWM,?2001,?'Field-based scanning tunneling microscope manipulation of antimony dimers on Si(001)',?Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B,?19,?pp. 659 - 665,?

Rogge S; Dunn A; Melin T; Dekker C; Geerligs L,?2000,?'Electrical transport through ultrathin ordered K3C60 films on Si',?Carbon,?38,?pp. 1647 - 1651,?

Rogge S; Timmerman R; Scholte P; Geerligs L; Salemink HWM,?2000,?'Surface polymerization of epitaxial Sb wires on Si(001)',?Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter,?62,?pp. 15341 - 15344,?

Wilken HC; Rogge S; G?tze O; Werfel T; Zwirner J,?1999,?'Specific detection by flow cytometry of histidine-tagged ligands bound to their receptors using a tag-specific monoclonal antibody',?Journal of Immunological Methods,?226,?pp. 139 - 145,?

Zuiddam M; Rogge S; Geerligs L; Van der drift EWJM; Ilge B; Palasantzas G,?1998,?'Contact and alignment marker technology for atomic scale device fabrication',?Microelectronic Engineering,?42,?pp. 567 - 570,?

Rogge S; Natelson D; Osheroff DD,?1997,?'3He immersion cell for ultralow temperature study of amorphous solids',?Review of Scientific Instruments,?68,?pp. 1831 - 1834,?

Rogge S; Natelson D; Osheroff D,?1997,?'He-3 immersion cell for ultralow temperature study of amorphous solids',?Review of Scientific Instruments,?68,?pp. 1831 - 1834,?

Rogge S; Natelson D; Osheroff D,?1997,?'Nonequilibrium and hysteretic low temperature dielectric response to strain in glasses',?Journal of Low Temperature Physics,?106,?pp. 717 - 725,?

Rogge S; Natelson D; Tigner B; Osheroff D,?1997,?'Nonlinear dielectric response of glasses at low temperature',?Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter,?55,?pp. 11256 - 11262,?

Rogge S; Natelson D; Osheroff D,?1996,?'Anomalous behavior of epsilon(omega) in glasses at low temperature due to bias application',?Czechoslovak Journal of Physics,?46,?pp. 2263 - 2264,?

Osheroff D; Rogge S; Natelson D,?1996,?'Anomalous dielectric properties of amorphous solids at low temperatures',?Physica B - Condensed Matter,?219-220,?pp. 243 - 246,?

Natelson D; Rogge S; Osheroff D,?1996,?'Dielectric response of two level systems to strain fields at low temperatures',?Czechoslovak Journal of Physics,?46,?pp. 2265 - 2266,?

Rogge S; Natelson D; Osheroff D,?1996,?'Evidence for the importance of interactions between active defects in glasses',?Physical Review Letters,?76,?pp. 3136 - 3139,?

Osheroff D; Rogge S; Natelson D,?1996,?'Interactions between active defects in glasses at low temperatures',?Czechoslovak Journal of Physics,?46,?pp. 3295 - 3302,?

Salvino D; Rogge S; Tigner B; Osheroff D,?1994,?'Low Temperature ac Dielectric Response of Glasses to High dc Electric Fields',?Physical Review Letters,?73,?pp. 268 - 271,?

Rogge S; Salvino D; Tigner B; Osheroff D,?1994,?'Low temperature time and electric field dependence of the dielectric constant in amorphous materials',?Physica B - Condensed Matter,?194-196,?pp. 407 - 408,?


Berkman IR; Lyasota A; de Boo GG; Bartholomew JG; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Xu BB; Xie S; Ahlefeldt RL; Sellars MJ; Yin C; Rogge S,?2022,?'In-Situ Single-Photon Detection of Er Sites in Si', in?2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2022 - Proceedings,?Optica Publishing Group, presented at?CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science,?

Culcer D; Salfi J; Rogge S,?2016,?'A single-atom spin-orbit qubit in Si (Conference Presentation)', in?Drouhin H-J; Wegrowe J-E; Razeghi M?(eds.),?Spintronics IX,?SPIE, presented at?Spintronics IX,?28 August 2016 - 01 September 2016,?

Rossi A; Tanttu T; Tan KY; Zhao R; Chan KW; Iisakka I; Tettamanzi GC; Rogge S; Dzurak AS; Mottonen M,?2015,?'A silicon single-electron pump with tunable electrostatic confinement', in?2014 Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop, SNW 2014,?

Van Der Heijden J; Tettamanzi GC; Rogge S,?2015,?'Modeling the pumping of electrons through a single dopant atom in a Si MOSFET', in?2014 Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop, SNW 2014,?pp. 89 - 90,?

Van Der Heijden J; Salfi J; Mol JA; Verduijn J; Tettamanzi GC; Hamilton AR; Collaert N; Rogge S,?2015,?'Probing a single acceptor in a silicon nanotransistor', in?2014 Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop, SNW 2014,?

Fernandez-Gonzalvo X; Williamson LA; Chen YH; Yin C; Rogge S; Longdell JJ,?2015,?'Upconversion of microwave to optical photons using erbium impurities in a solid', in?Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest

Rossi A; Tanttu T; Tan KY; Zhao R; Chan KW; Iisakka I; Tettamanzi GC; Rogge S; M?tt?nen M; Dzurak AS,?2014,?'Effects of electrostatic confinement in a silicon single-electron pump', in?CPEM Digest (Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements),?pp. 440 - 441,?

Fernandez-Gonzalvo X; Chen YH; Yin C; Rogge S; Longdell JJ,?2014,?'Frequency up-conversion of microwave photons to the telecommunications band in an Er: YSO crystal', in?Optics InfoBase Conference Papers

Fernandez-Gonzalvo X; Chen YH; Yin C; Rogge S; Longdell JJ,?2014,?'Frequency up-conversion of microwave photons to the telecommunications band in an Er: YSO crystal', in?Optics InfoBase Conference Papers

Tettamanzi GC; Van Der Heijden J; Rogge S,?2014,?'Charge pumping through isolated dopant atoms', in?2014 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices, COMMAD 2014,?pp. 298 - 300,?

Tettamanzi GC; Van Der Heijden J; Rogge S,?2014,?'Charge pumping through isolated dopant atoms', in?2014 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices, COMMAD 2014,?pp. 298 - 300,?

Yin CM; Rancic M; Stavrias N; de Boo GG; McCallum JC; Sellars MJ; Rogge S,?2012,?'Photo-ionisation spectra of single erbium centres by charge sensing with a nano transistor', in?2012 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices, COMMAD 2012 - Proceedings,?IEEE,?Piscataway, NJ, United States,?pp. 197 - 198, presented at?2012 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices, COMMAD 2012,?Melbourne, VIC.,?12 December 2012 - 14 December 2012,?

Tettamanzi G; Lansbergen G; Verduijn J; Rahman R; Paul A; Lee SH; Collaert N; Biesemans S; Klimeck G; Rogge S,?2010,?'Innovative characterization techniques for ultra-scaled FinFETs', in?Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology,?IEEE,?Korea,?pp. 25 - 30, presented at?10th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology joint Symposium with Nano Korea 2010,?Korea,?17 August 2010 - 20 August 2010,?

Nguyen HM; Van Der Drift EWJM; Caro J; Rogge S; Salemink HWM,?2010,?'Photonic crystal Mach-Zehnder interferometer operating in the self-collimation mode of light', in?Adibi A; Lin SY; Scherer A?(eds.),?Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering,?SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING,?San Francisco, CA, presented at?Conference on Photonic and Phononic Crystal Materials and Devices X,?San Francisco, CA,?26 - 28 January 2010,?

Lansbergen GP; Rahman R; Caro J; Collaert N; Biesemans S; Klimeck G; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S,?2009,?'+Level spectrum of single gated as donors', in?Caldas MJ; Studart N?(eds.),?AIP Conference Proceedings,?AMER INST PHYSICS,?Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL,?pp. 93 - 94, presented at?29th International Conference on Physics of Semiconductors,?Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL,?27 July - 01 August 2008,?

Verduijn J; Lansbergen GP; Tettamanzi GC; Rahman R; Biesemans S; Colleart N; Klimeck G; L. Hollenberg LC; Rogge S,?2009,?'From Single-atom Spectroscopy to Lifetime Enhanced Triplet Transport in MOSFETs', in?Extended Abstracts of the 2009 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials,?The Japan Society of Applied Physics, presented at?2009 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials,?06 October 2009 - 09 October 2009,?

Lansbergen GP; Rahman R; Wellard CJ; Caro J; Collaert N; Biesemans S; Klimeck G; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S,?2008,?'Transport-based dopant metrology in advanced FinFETs', in?Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM,?IEEE,?San Francisco, CA,?pp. 713 - +, presented at?IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting,?San Francisco, CA,?15 - 17 December 2008,?

Lansbergen GP; Rahman R; Wellard CJ; Rutten PE; Caro J; Woo I; Colleart N; Biesemans S; Klimeck G; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S,?2008,?'Determination of the eigenstates and wavefunctions of a single gated As donor', in?Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN 2008,?pp. 164 - 167,?

Lansbergen P; Rahman R; Caro J; Biesemans S; Klimeck G; Hollenberg L; Rogge S,?2008,?'Transport spectroscopy of a single atom in a FinFET', in?Journal of Physics: Conference Series,?

Nguyen MH; Rogge S; Caro J; van der Drift E; Salemink H,?2008,?'Mach-Zehnder interferometer based on collimation effect of photonic crystal', in?Optics InfoBase Conference Papers,?

Lansbergen GP; Sellier H; Caro J; Collaert N; Ferain I; Jurczak M; Biesemans S; Rogge S,?2007,?'One-dimensional sub-threshold channels in nanoscale triple-gate silicon transistors', in?Jantsch W; Schaffler F?(eds.),?AIP Conference Proceedings,?AMER INST PHYSICS,?Vienna, AUSTRIA,?pp. 1397 - 1398, presented at?28th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS-28),?Vienna, AUSTRIA,?24 - 28 July 2006,?

Lansbergen GP; Sellier H; Collaer N; Ferain I; Jurczak M; Biesemans S; Caro J; Rogge S,?2006,?'Single-dopant spectroscopy and sub-threshold channels at the corners of triple-gate FinFETs', in?2006 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, VOLS 1 AND 2,?IEEE,?AUSTRALIA, Brisbane,?pp. 675 - +, presented at?International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,?AUSTRALIA, Brisbane,?03 July 2006 - 07 July 2006,?

Caro J; Smit GDJ; Sellier H; Loo R; Caymax M; Rogge S; Klapwijk TM,?2005,?'Towards tunneling through a single dopant atom', in?Menendez J; VanDeWalle CG?(eds.),?AIP Conference Proceedings,?AMER INST PHYSICS,?Flagstaff, AZ,?pp. 1587 - 1588, presented at?27th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS-27),?Flagstaff, AZ,?26 - 30 July 2004,?

Bisch C; Rogge S; M¨¦lin T; Janssen GCAM,?2000,?'Selective aluminum CVD on Si(100) from DMAH', in?Gonis A; Turchi PE A; Ardell AJ?(eds.),?Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings,?MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY,?BOSTON, MA,?pp. 141 - 146, presented at?Symposium on Nucleation and Growth Processes in Materials held at the 1999 MRS Fall Meeting,?BOSTON, MA,?29 November - 01 December 1999,?

Palasantzas G; Ilge B; Rogge S; Geerligs LJ,?1999,?'Technology for nanoelectronic devices based on ultra-high vacuum scanning tunneling microscopy on the Si(100) surface', in?Microelectronic Engineering,?pp. 133 - 136,?



Simmons M; Hollenberg L; Rogge S; Hile S; House M; Fuechsle M; Peretz E; Hill C,?2021,?Advanced processing apparatus,?Patent No. Australian 2021 pat no.2015252051

Simmons M; Hollenberg L; Hill C; Peretz E; Hile S; Fuechsle M; Rogge S,?2019,?A Quantum Processor,?Patent No. Australia patent no. 2015252050; Switzerland patent no. 3016034; Germany patent no. 602015048909.8; Spain patent no. E15192761; France patent no. 3016034; United Kingdom patent no. 3016034; Ireland patent no. 3016034; Netherlands patent no. 3016034,?

Simmons M; Hollenberg L; Rogge S; Hile S; House M; Fuechsle M; Peretz E; Hill C,?2019,?Apparatus and method for quantum processing,?Patent No. 10229365,?

Mol J; Rogge S; Salfi J,?2017,?Quantum computing with acceptor-based qubits,?Australia,?Patent No. 2014234949,?

De Boo G; Mccallum J; Rancic M; Rogge S; Sellars M; Stavrias N; Yin C,?2017,?Optical addressing of individual targets in solids,?Patent No. 2013360022-B2,?

Rogge S; Sellars MJ; Yin C; McCallum JC; De Boo GG; Rancic M; Stavrias N,?2014,?Optical addressing of individual targets in solids,?Patent No. WO/2014/089621,?Patent Agent:FB RICE & CO,?

Zhang Y; Fan W; Yang J; Guan H; Zhang Q; Qin X; Duan C; de Boo GG; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Sellars MJ; Rogge S; Yin C; Du J,?2022,?Photoionization detection of a single Er$^{3+}$ ion with sub-100-ns time resolution,?,?

Mikhail D; Voisin B; Medar DDS; Buchs G; Rogge S; Rachel S,?2022,?Quasiparticle excitations in a one-dimensional interacting topological insulator: Application for dopant-based quantum simulation,?,?

Yang J; Fan W; Zhang Y; Duan C; Boo GGD; Ahlefeldt RL; Longdell JJ; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Sellars MJ; Rogge S; Yin C; Du J,?2022,?The Zeeman and hyperfine interactions of a single $^{167}Er^{3+}$ ion in Si,?,?

Yang J; Wang J; Fan W; Zhang Y; Duan C; Hu G; Boo GGD; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Rogge S; Yin C; Du J,?2022,?Spectral broadening of a single Er$^{3+}$ ion in a Si nano-transistor,?,?

Joch DJ; Slussarenko S; Wang Y; Pepper A; Xie S; Xu B-B; Berkman IR; Rogge S; Pryde GJ,?2021,?Certified Random Number Generation from Quantum Steering,?,?

Voisin B; Ng KSH; Salfi J; Usman M; Wong JC; Tankasala A; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Hutin L; Bertrand B; Vinet M; Valanoor N; Simmons MY; Rahman R; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S,?2021,?Valley population of donor states in highly strained silicon,?,?

Hu G; Ahlefeldt RL; de Boo GG; Lyasota A; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Sellars MJ; Yin C; Rogge S,?2021,?Optical and Zeeman spectroscopy of individual Er ion pairs in silicon,?,?

Berkman IR; Lyasota A; de Boo GG; Bartholomew JG; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Xu B-B; Xie S; Ahlefeldt RL; Sellars MJ; Yin C; Rogge S,?2021,?Sub-megahertz homogeneous linewidth for Er in Si via in situ single photon detection,?,?

Voisin B; Salfi J; Rahman R; Rogge S,?2021,?Novel characterisation of dopant-based qubits,?,?

Voisin B; Bocquel J; Tankasala A; Usman M; Salfi J; Rahman R; Simmons MY; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S,?2021,?Valley interference and spin exchange at the atomic scale in silicon,?,?

Krauth FN; Gorman SK; He Y; Jones MT; Macha P; Kocsis S; Chua C; Voisin B; Rogge S; Rahman R; Chung Y; Simmons MY,?2021,?Flopping-mode electric dipole spin resonance in phosphorus donor qubits in silicon,?,?

Osika EN; Kocsis S; Hsueh Y-L; Monir S; Chua C; Lam H; Voisin B; Rogge S; Rahman R,?2021,?Spin-photon coupling for atomic qubit devices in silicon,?,?

Xu B-B; de Boo GG; Johnson BC; Ran?i? M; Bedoya AC; Morrison B; McCallum JC; Eggleton BJ; Sellars MJ; Yin C; Rogge S,?2020,?Ultra-shallow junction electrodes in low-loss silicon micro-ring resonators,?,?

Holmes D; Johnson BC; Chua C; Voisin B; Kocsis S; Rubanov S; Robson SG; McCallum JC; McCamey DR; Rogge S; Jamieson DN,?2020,?Isotopic enrichment of silicon by high fluence $^{28}$Si$^-$ ion implantation,?,?

Ng KSH; Voisin B; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Salfi J; Rogge S,?2020,?Scanned single-electron probe inside a silicon electronic device,?,?

de Boo GG; Yin C; Ran?i? M; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Sellars M; Rogge S,?2019,?High resolution spectroscopy of individual erbium ions in strong magnetic fields,?,?

Wang Z; Marcellina E; Hamilton AR; Cullen JH; Rogge S; Salfi J; Culcer D,?2019,?Optimal operation points for ultrafast, highly coherent Ge hole spin-orbit qubits,?,?

Everts J; King GGG; Lambert N; Kocsis S; Rogge S; Longdell JJ,?2019,?Ultrastrong coupling between a microwave resonator and antiferromagnetic resonances of rare earth ion spins,?,?

Philippopoulos P; Chesi S; Salfi J; Rogge S; Coish WA,?2019,?Hole-Spin-Echo Envelope Modulations,?,?

Bayat A; Voisin B; Buchs G; Salfi J; Rogge S; Bose S,?2019,?Certification of spin-based quantum simulators,?,?

Kobayashi T; Salfi J; van der Heijden J; Chua C; House MG; Culcer D; Hutchison WD; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Riemann H; Abrosimov NV; Becker P; Pohl H-J; Simmons MY; Rogge S,?2018,?Engineering long spin coherence times of spin-orbit systems,?,?

Pakkiam P; Timofeev AV; House MG; Hogg MR; Kobayashi T; Koch M; Rogge S; Simmons MY,?2018,?Single-shot single-gate RF spin readout in silicon,?,?

Zhang Q; Hu G; de Boo GG; Rancic M; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Du J; Sellars MJ; Yin C; Rogge S,?2018,?Single rare-earth ions as atomic-scale probes in ultra-scaled transistors,?,?

Rossi A; Klochan J; Timoshenko J; Hudson FE; M?tt?nen M; Rogge S; Dzurak AS; Kashcheyevs V; Tettamanzi GC,?2018,?Gigahertz Single-Electron Pumping Mediated by Parasitic States,?,?

Usman M; Voisin B; Salfi J; Rogge S; Hollenberg LCL,?2017,?Towards visualisation of central-cell-effects in scanning-tunnelling-microscope images of subsurface dopant qubits in silicon,?,?

Salfi J; Voisin B; Tankasala A; Bocquel J; Usman M; Simmons MY; Hollenberg LCL; Rahman R; Rogge S,?2017,?Valley filtering and spatial maps of coupling between silicon donors and quantum dots,?,?

Abadillo-Uriel JC; Salfi J; Hu X; Rogge S; Calder¨®n MJ; Culcer D,?2017,?Entanglement control and magic angles for acceptor qubits in Si,?,?

Tankasala A; Salfi J; Bocquel J; Voisin B; Usman M; Klimeck G; Simmons MY; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S; Rahman R,?2017,?Two-electron states of a group V donor in silicon from atomistic full configuration interaction,?,?

van der Heijden J; Kobayashi T; House MG; Salfi J; Barraud S; Lavieville R; Simmons MY; Rogge S,?2017,?Spin-orbit dynamics of single acceptor atoms in silicon,?,?

Tettamanzi GC; Hile SJ; House MG; Fuechsle M; Rogge S; Simmons MY,?2017,?Probing the Quantum States of a Single Atom Transistor at Microwave Frequencies,?,?

Klymenko MV; Rogge S; Remacle F,?2016,?Linear and planar molecules formed by coupled P donors in silicon,?,?

Klymenko MV; Rogge S; Remacle F,?2016,?Multi-valley envelope function equations and effective potentials for P impurity in silicon,?,?

van der Heijden J; Tettamanzi GC; Rogge S,?2016,?Dynamics of a single-atom electron pump,?,?

Salfi J; Tong M; Rogge S; Culcer D,?2016,?Quantum Computing with Acceptor Spins in Silicon,?,?

Agundez R; Hill CD; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S; Blaauboer M,?2016,?Superadiabatic quantum state transfer in spin chains,?,?

Kobayashi T; van der Heijden J; House MG; Hile SJ; Asshoff P; Gonzalez-Zalba MF; Vinet M; Simmons MY; Rogge S,?2016,?Resonant tunneling spectroscopy of valley eigenstates on a hybrid double quantum dot,?,?

Usman M; Bocquel J; Salfi J; Voisin B; Tankasala A; Rahman R; Simmons MY; Rogge S; Hollenberg LLC,?2016,?Spatial Metrology of Dopants in Silicon with Exact Lattice Site Precision,?,?

Rahman R; Verduijn J; Wang Y; Yin C; De Boo G; Klimeck G; Rogge S,?2015,?Bulk and sub-surface donor bound excitons in silicon under electric fields,?,?

Hile SJ; House MG; Peretz E; Verduijn J; Widmann D; Kobayashi T; Rogge S; Simmons MY,?2015,?Radio frequency reflectometry and charge sensing of a precision placed donor in silicon,?,?

Salfi J; Mol JA; Culcer D; Rogge S,?2015,?Charge-insensitive single-atom spin-orbit qubit in silicon,?,?

Saraiva AL; Salfi J; Bocquel J; Voisin B; Rogge S; Capaz RB; Calder¨®n MJ; Koiller B,?2015,?Donor Wavefunctions in Si Gauged by STM Images,?,?

Salfi J; Mol JA; Rahman R; Klimeck G; Simmons MY; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S,?2015,?Quantum Simulation of the Hubbard Model with Dopant Atoms in Silicon,?,?

Purches WE; Rossi A; Zhao R; Kafanov S; Duty TL; Dzurak AS; Rogge S; Tettamanzi GC,?2015,?A planar Al-Si Schottky Barrier MOSFET operated at cryogenic temperatures,?,?

Usman M; Hill CD; Rahman R; Klimeck G; Simmons MY; Rogge S; Hollenberg LCL,?2015,?Strain and Electric Field Control of Hyperfine Interactions for Donor Spin Qubits in Silicon,?,?

Urdampilleta M; Chatterjee A; Lo CC; Kobayashi T; Mansir J; Barraud S; Betz AC; Rogge S; Gonzalez-Zalba MF; Morton JJL,?2015,?Charge dynamics and spin blockade in a hybrid double quantum dot in silicon,?,?

Mol JA; Salfi J; Rahman R; Hsueh Y; Miwa JA; Klimeck G; Simmons MY; Rogge S,?2015,?Interface-induced heavy-hole/light-hole splitting of acceptors in silicon,?,?

Voisin B; Salfi J; Bocquel J; Rahman R; Rogge S,?2015,?Spatially resolved resonant tunneling on single atoms in silicon,?,?

Fernandez-Gonzalvo X; Chen Y-H; Yin C; Rogge S; Longdell JJ,?2015,?Coherent frequency up-conversion of microwaves to the optical telecommunications band in an Er:YSO crystal,?,?

Usman M; Rahman R; Salfi J; Bocquel J; Voisin B; Rogge S; Klimeck G; Hollenberg LLC,?2014,?Donor hyperfine Stark shift and the role of central-cell corrections in tight-binding theory,?,?

Agundez R; Salfi J; Rogge S; Blaauboer M,?2014,?Local Kondo temperatures in atomic chains,?,?

Rossi A; Tanttu T; Tan KY; Iisakka I; Zhao R; Chan KW; Tettamanzi GC; Rogge S; Dzurak AS; M?tt?nen M,?2014,?An accurate single-electron pump based on a highly tunable silicon quantum dot,?,?

Salfi J; Mol JA; Rahman R; Klimeck G; Simmons MY; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S,?2014,?Spatially Resolving Valley Quantum Interference of a Donor in Silicon,?,?

Tettamanzi GC; Wacquez R; Rogge S,?2014,?Charge Pumping Through a Single Donor Atom,?,?

Verduijn J; Vinet M; Rogge S,?2013,?Radio-frequency dispersive detection of donor atoms in a field-effect transistor,?,?

Yin C; Rancic M; de Boo GG; Stavrias N; McCallum JC; Sellars MJ; Rogge S,?2013,?Optical addressing of an individual erbium ion in silicon,?,?

Mol JA; Salfi J; Miwa JA; Simmons MY; Rogge S,?2013,?Interplay between quantum confinement and dielectric mismatch for ultra-shallow dopants,?,?

Agundez RR; Verduijn J; Rogge S; Blaauboer M,?2013,?Magnetic flux tuning of Fano-Kondo interplay in a parallel double quantum dot system,?,?

Verduijn J; Agundez RR; Blaauboer M; Rogge S,?2012,?Non-local coupling of two donor-bound electrons,?,?

Zwanenburg FA; Dzurak AS; Morello A; Simmons MY; Hollenberg LCL; Klimeck G; Rogge S; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA,?2012,?Silicon Quantum Electronics,?,?

Prati E; De Michielis M; Belli M; Cocco S; Fanciulli M; Kotekar-Patil D; Ruoff M; Kern DP; Wharam DA; Verduijn A; Tettamanzi G; Rogge S; Roche B; Wacquez R; Jehl X; Vinet M; Sanquer M,?2012,?Few Electron Limit of n-type Metal Oxide Semiconductor Single Electron Transistors,?,?

Tettamanzi GC; Paul A; Lee S; Klimeck G; Rogge S,?2011,?New tools for the direct characterisation of FinFETs,?,?

Lansbergen GP; Rahman R; Tettamanzi GC; Verduijn J; Hollenberg LCL; Klimeck G; Rogge S,?2011,?Dopant metrology in advanced FinFETs,?,?

Mol JA; van der Heijden J; Verduijn J; Klein M; Remacle F; Rogge S,?2011,?Balanced ternary addition using a gated silicon nanowire,?,?

Rahman R; Lansbergen GP; Verduijn J; Tettamanzi GC; Park SH; Collaert N; Biesemans S; Klimeck G; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S,?2011,?Electric field reduced charging energies and two-electron bound excited states of single donors in silicon,?,?

Rahman R; Verduijn J; Kharche N; Lansbergen GP; Klimeck G; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S,?2011,?Engineered valley-orbit splittings in quantum confined nanostructures in silicon,?,?

Tettamanzi GC; Verduijn J; Lansbergen GP; Blaauboer M; Calder¨®n MJ; Aguado R; Rogge S,?2011,?Magnetic Field Probing of an SU(4) Kondo Resonance in a Single Atom Transistor,?,?

Paul A; Tettamanzi GC; Lee S; Mehrotra S; Colleart N; Biesemans S; Rogge S; Klimeck G,?2011,?Interface trap density metrology from sub-threshold transport in highly scaled undoped Si n-FinFETs,?,?

Tettamanzi GC; Paul A; Lee S; Mehrotra SR; Collaert N; Biesemans S; Klimeck G; Rogge S,?2010,?Interface Trap Density Metrology of state-of-the-art undoped Si n-FinFETs,?,?

Lansbergen GP; Rahman R; Verduijn J; Tettamanzi GC; Collaert N; Biesemans S; Klimeck G; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S,?2010,?Lifetime enhanced transport in silicon due to spin and valley blockade,?,?

Johnson BC; Tettamanzi GC; Alves ADC; Thompson S; Yang C; Verduijn J; Mol JA; Wacquez R; Vinet M; Sanquer M; Rogge S; Jamieson DN,?2010,?Drain current modulation in a nanoscale field-effect-transistor channel by single dopant implantation,?,?

Calderon MJ; Verduijn J; Lansbergen GP; Tettamanzi GC; Rogge S; Koiller B,?2010,?Heterointerface effects on the charging energy of shallow D- ground state in silicon: the role of dielectric mismatch,?,?

Tettamanzi GC; Paul A; Lansbergen GP; Verduijn J; Lee S; Collaert N; Biesemans S; Klimeck G; Rogge S,?2010,?Thermionic Emission as a tool to study transport in undoped nFinFETs,?,?

Verduijn J; Tettamanzi GC; Lansbergen GP; Collaert N; Biesemans S; Rogge S,?2009,?Coherent transport through a double donor system in silicon,?,?

Lansbergen GP; Tettamanzi GC; Verduijn J; Collaert N; Biesemans S; Blaauboer M; Rogge S,?2009,?Tunable Kondo effect in a single donor atom,?,?

Rahman R; Park SH; Boykin TB; Klimeck G; Rogge S; Hollenberg LCL,?2009,?Gate induced g-factor control and dimensional transition for donors in multi-valley semiconductors,?,?

Rahman R; Lansbergen GP; Park SH; Verduijn J; Klimeck G; Rogge S; Hollenberg LCL,?2009,?Orbital Stark effect and quantum confinement transition of donors in silicon,?,?

Gasseller M; Loo R; Harrison JF; Caymax M; Rogge S; Tessmer SH,?2009,?Single-Electron Capacitance Spectroscopy of Individual Dopants in Silicon,?,?

Craciun MF; Giovannetti G; Rogge S; Brocks G; Morpurgo AF; Brink JVD,?2008,?Evidence for the formation of a Mott state in potassium-intercalated pentacene,?,?

Sellier H; Lansbergen GP; Caro J; Collaert N; Ferain I; Jurczak M; Biesemans S; Rogge S,?2006,?Transport spectroscopy of a single dopant in a gated silicon nanowire,?,?

Sellier H; Lansbergen GP; Caro J; Collaert N; Ferain I; Jurczak M; Biesemans S; Rogge S,?2006,?Sub-threshold channels at the edges of nanoscale triple-gate silicon transistors,?,?

Craciun MF; Rogge S; Morpurgo AF,?2006,?Evolution of the conductivity of potassium-doped pentacene films,?,?

Craciun MF; Rogge S; Morpurgo AF,?2006,?Correlation between molecular orbitals and doping dependence of the electrical conductivity in electron-doped Metal-Phthalocyanine compounds,?,?

Snijders PC; Rogge S; Weitering HH,?2005,?Competing periodicities in fractionally filled one-dimensional bands,?,?

Snijders PC; Gonzalez C; Rogge S; Perez R; Ortega J; Flores F; Weitering HH,?2005,?Ga-induced atom wire formation and passivation of stepped Si(112),?,?

de Boer RWI; Stassen AF; Craciun MF; Mulder CL; Molinari A; Rogge S; Morpurgo AF,?2005,?Ambipolar Cu- and Fe-Phthalocyanine single-crystal field-effect transistors,?,?

Gonzalez C; Snijders PC; Ortega J; Perez R; Flores F; Rogge S; Weitering HH,?2004,?Formation of atom wires on vicinal silicon,?,?

Craciun MF; Rogge S; Boer MJLD; Margadonna S; Prassides K; Iwasa Y; Morpurgo AF,?2004,?Electronic transport through electron-doped Metal-Phthalocyanine Materials,?,?

Caro J; Vink ID; Smit GDJ; Rogge S; Klapwijk TM,?2003,?Direct observation by resonant tunneling of the B^+ level in a delta-doped silicon barrier,?,?

Rogge S; Durkut M; Klapwijk TM,?2002,?Single domain transport measurements of C60 films,?,?