
Dr Shuiqiao Yang

Casual Academic
Computer Science and Engineering

Dr Shuiqiao Yang is currently a research associate at the School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of New South Wales. He holds a Ph.D. degree from Deakin University,ÌýMelbourne, Australia.Ìý

His research focuses on machine learning, deep learning and data mining. His research areas include:

  • Text mining
  • Graph mining
  • Representation learningÌý
  • Trustworthy AI

He previously worked as a research associate at the Data Science Institute, University of Technology Sydney.Ìý

Shuiqiao has served asÌýPC members of a number of conferences:Ìý

  • ACM International Conference Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) 2022.
  • International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM), 2022.
  • International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA), 2021.Ìý

Besides, he also served as a reviewer for a number of journals: IEEE Access, Information Sciences, Neural Computing and Applications, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems (TCSS), IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), Knowledge‑Based Systems (KBS).



  • Book Chapters | 2021
    Yang S; Yu K; Lammers T; Chen F, 2021, 'Artificial Intelligence in Pilot Training and Education – Towards a Machine Learning Aided Instructor Assistant for Flight Simulators', in , pp. 581 - 587,
    Book Chapters | 2020
    Yang S; Huang G; Ofoghi B, 2020, 'Short Text Similarity Measurement Using Context from Bag of Word Pairs and Word Co-occurrence', in , pp. 221 - 231,
    Book Chapters | 2020
    Yang S; Huang G; Zhou X; Xiang Y, 2020, 'Dynamic Clustering of Stream Short Documents Using Evolutionary Word Relation Network', in , pp. 418 - 428,
    Book Chapters | 2017
    Jiang H; Chang R; Ren L; Dong W; Jiang L; Yang S, 2017, 'An effective authentication for client application using ARM TrustZone', in , pp. 802 - 813,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Cai B; Huang G; Yang S; Xiang Y; Chi CH, 2024, 'SE-shapelets: Semi-supervised Clustering of Time Series Using Representative Shapelets', Expert Systems with Applications, 240,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Cai T; Lei Q; Sheng QZ; Cui N; Yang S; Yang J; Zhang WE; Mahmood A, 2024, 'Reconnecting the Estranged Relationships: Optimizing the Influence Propagation in Evolving Networks', IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 36, pp. 2151 - 2165,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Cai B; Yang S; Gao L; Xiang Y, 2023, 'Hybrid variational autoencoder for time series forecasting', Knowledge-Based Systems, 281,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Cai T; Yang S; Li J; Sheng QZ; Yang J; Wang X; Zhang WE; Gao L, 2023, 'Incremental Graph Computation: Anchored Vertex Tracking in Dynamic Social Networks', IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 35, pp. 7030 - 7044,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Doan BG; Yang S; Montague P; De Vel O; Abraham T; Camtepe S; Kanhere SS; Abbasnejad E; Ranasinghe DC, 2023, 'Feature-Space Bayesian Adversarial Learning Improved Malware Detector Robustness', Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2023, 37, pp. 14783 - 14791
    Journal articles | 2023
    Liu J; Chen C; Qu Y; Yang S; Xu L, 2023, 'RASS: Enabling privacy-preserving and authentication in online AI-driven healthcare applications', ISA Transactions, 141, pp. 20 - 29,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Xia J; Li M; Tang Y; Yang S, 2023, 'Course map learning with graph convolutional network based on AuCM', World Wide Web, 26, pp. 3483 - 3502,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Yang S; Verma S; Cai B; Jiang J; Yu K; Chen F; Yu S, 2023, 'Variational co-embedding learning for attributed network clustering', Knowledge-Based Systems, 270,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Jiang J, 2022, 'Network Growth From Global and Local Influential Nodes', IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Song X; Li J; Cai T; Yang S; Yang T; Liu C, 2022, 'A survey on deep learning based knowledge tracing', Knowledge-Based Systems, 258,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Yang S; Cai B; Cai T; Song X; Jiang J; Li B; Li J, 2022, 'Robust cross-network node classification via constrained graph mutual information', Knowledge-Based Systems, 257,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Yang S; Huang G; Ofoghi B; Yearwood J, 2022, 'Short text similarity measurement using context-aware weighted biterms', Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 34,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Yin H; Song X; Yang S; Li J, 2022, 'Sentiment analysis and topic modeling for COVID-19 vaccine discussions', World Wide Web, 25, pp. 1067 - 1083,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Yang S; Huang G; Zhou X; Mak V; Yearwood J, 2021, 'EWNStream +: Effective and Real-time Clustering of Short Text Streams Using Evolutionary Word Relation Network', International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, 20, pp. 341 - 370,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Yin H; Yang S; Song X; Liu W; Li J, 2021, 'Deep fusion of multimodal features for social media retweet time prediction', World Wide Web, 24, pp. 1027 - 1044,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Zhou J; Yang S; Xiao C; Chen F, 2021, 'Examination of Community Sentiment Dynamics due to COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study from a State in Australia', SN Computer Science, 2,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Zhou J; Zogan H; Yang S; Jameel S; Xu G; Chen F, 2021, 'Detecting Community Depression Dynamics Due to COVID-19 Pandemic in Australia', IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 8, pp. 958 - 967,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Zhou Z; Li F; Yang S, 2021, 'A Novel Resource Optimization Algorithm Based on Clustering and Improved Differential Evolution Strategy under a Cloud Environment', ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, 20,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Yang S; Jiang J; Pal A; Yu K; Chen F; Yu S, 2020, 'Analysis and Insights for Myths Circulating on Twitter during the COVID-19 Pandemic', IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society, 1, pp. 209 - 219,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Yang S; Huang G; Cai B, 2019, 'Discovering Topic Representative Terms for Short Text Clustering', IEEE Access, 7, pp. 92037 - 92047,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Chang R; Jiang L; Chen W; He H; Yang S; Jiang H; Liu W; Liu Y, 2018, 'Towards a multilayered permission-based access control for extending Android security', Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 30,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Chen X; Chen W; Lu Z; Long P; Yang S; Wang Z, 2017, 'A Duplication-Aware SSD-Based Cache Architecture for Primary Storage in Virtualization Environment', IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL, 11, pp. 2578 - 2589,
  • Conference Papers | 2024
    Cai T; Yang S; Li J; Sheng QZ; Yang J; Wang X; Zhang WE; Gao L, 2024, 'Incremental Graph Computation: Anchored Vertex Tracking in Dynamic Social Networks (Extended Abstract)', in Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering, pp. 5723 - 5724,
    Conference Papers | 2023
    Doan BG; Yang S; Montague P; De Vel O; Abraham T; Camtepe S; Kanhere SS; Abbasnejad E; Ranasinghe DC, 2023, 'Feature-Space Bayesian Adversarial Learning Improved Malware Detector Robustness', in Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2023, pp. 14783 - 14791
    Preprints | 2023
    Doan BG; Yang S; Montague P; De Vel O; Abraham T; Camtepe S; Kanhere SS; Abbasnejad E; Ranasinghe DC, 2023, Feature-Space Bayesian Adversarial Learning Improved Malware Detector Robustness, ,
    Preprints | 2022
    Cai T; Lei Q; Sheng QZ; Yang S; Yang J; Zhang WE, 2022, Reconnecting the Estranged Relationships: Optimizing the Influence Propagation in Evolving Networks, ,
    Conference Papers | 2022
    Li Y; Verma S; Yang S; Zhou J; Chen F, 2022, 'Are Graph Neural Network Explainers Robust to Graph Noises?', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 161 - 174,
    Conference Papers | 2022
    Yang S; Doan BG; Montague P; De Vel O; Abraham T; Camtepe S; Ranasinghe DC; Kanhere SS, 2022, 'Transferable Graph Backdoor Attack', in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 321 - 332,
    Preprints | 2022
    Yang S; Doan BG; Montague P; De Vel O; Abraham T; Camtepe S; Ranasinghe DC; Kanhere SS, 2022, Transferable Graph Backdoor Attack, ,
    Preprints | 2021
    Cai T; Yang S; Li J; Sheng QZ; Yang J; Wang X; Zhang WE; Gao L, 2021, Incremental Graph Computation: Anchored Vertex Tracking in Dynamic Social Networks, ,
    Conference Papers | 2021
    Ruan Z; Yang S; Pan L; Ma X; Luo W; Grobler M, 2021, 'Microwave Link Failures Prediction via LSTM-based Feature Fusion Network', in Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,
    Conference Papers | 2021
    Yin H; Song X; Yang S; Huang G; Li J, 2021, 'Representation Learning for Short Text Clustering', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 321 - 335,
    Conference Papers | 2020
    Cai B; Huang G; Yang S; Xiang Y; Chi CH, 2020, 'Clustering Hashtags Using Temporal Patterns', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 183 - 195,
    Conference Papers | 2020
    Yin H; Yang S; Li J, 2020, 'Detecting Topic and Sentiment Dynamics Due to COVID-19 Pandemic Using Social Media', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 610 - 623,
    Preprints | 2020
    Zhou J; Yang S; Xiao C; Chen F, 2020, Examination of Community Sentiment Dynamics due to COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study from A State in Australia, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Zhou J; Zogan H; Yang S; Jameel S; Xu G; Chen F, 2020, Detecting Community Depression Dynamics Due to COVID-19 Pandemic in Australia, ,
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Chang R; Jiang L; Chen W; He H; Yang S, 2017, 'Enhancement of permission management for an ARM-android platform', in Proceedings - 2016 16th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, CIT 2016, 2016 6th International Symposium on Cloud and Service Computing, IEEE SC2 2016 and 2016 International Symposium on Security and Privacy in Social Networks and Big Data, SocialSec 2016, pp. 415 - 422,
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Yang S; Huang G; Xiang Y; Zhou X; Chi CH, 2017, 'Modeling User Preferences on Spatiotemporal Topics for Point-of-Interest Recommendation', in Proceedings - 2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2017, pp. 204 - 211,
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Chen X; Chen W; Yang S; Lu Z; Wang Z, 2014, 'DASH: A Duplication-aware Flash Cache Architecture in Virtualization Environment', in 2014 20TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS (ICPADS), IEEE, TAIWAN, Hsinchu, pp. 842 - 847, presented at 20th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), TAIWAN, Hsinchu, 16 December 2014 - 19 December 2014,