
Dr Daniel Luque

Dr Daniel Luque

Research Associate
Research & Enterprise
Electron Microscope Unit

Dr Daniel Luque is associate director of the Electron Microscopy Unit and senior lecturer at the School of Biomedical Sciences at լи. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Molecular Biology from the Autonoma University of Madrid, Spain. During his career, he has been devoted to the structural characterisation of macromolecular complexes using cryogenic electron microscopy techniques. He has over 20 years of experience in  the structural analysis of biological samples through a broad methodology of microscopy techniques and  has been directly involved in the implementation of different three-dimensional electron microscopy methodological developments. He has made significant contributions to the structural characterisation of complexes derived from a number of viral systems including ssRNA, dsRNA, ssDNA and dsDNA viruses. He has undertaken the structural characterisation of a wide range of macromolecular assemblies derived from these systems including the solution of >100 three-dimensional structures by electron microscopy.

+61 (2) 9385 1937
Electron Microscope Unit Mark Wainwright Analytical Centre Chemical Sciences Building (F10) & School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine & Health Room 228, Level 2, Wallace Wurth Building (C27) Kensington լи Sydney NSW 2052
  • Book Chapters | 2019
    Rodríguez JM; Luque D, 2019, 'Structural Insights into Rotavirus Entry', in Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, pp. 45 - 68,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Castón JR; Luque D; Gómez-Blanco J; Ghabrial SA, 2013, 'Chrysovirus Structure', in Advances in Virus Research, Elsevier, pp. 87 - 108,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Castón JR; Luque D; Gómez-Blanco J; Ghabrial SA, 2013, 'Chrysovirus Structure. Repeated Helical Core as Evidence of Gene Duplication', in Advances in Virus Research, pp. 87 - 108,
  • Journal articles | 2023
    Asensio-Cob D; Rodríguez JM; Luque D, 2023, 'Rotavirus Particle Disassembly and Assembly In Vivo and In Vitro', Viruses, 15,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Cairoli V; Valle-Millares D; Terrón-Orellano MC; Luque D; Ryan P; Dominguez L; Martín-Carbonero L; De los Santos I; De Matteo E; Ameigeiras B; Briz V; Casciato P; Preciado MV; Valva P; Fernández-Rodríguez A, 2023, 'MicroRNA signature from extracellular vesicles of HCV/HIV co-infected individuals differs from HCV mono-infected', Journal of Molecular Medicine,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Luque D; Ortega-Esteban A; Valbuena A; Luis Vilas J; Rodríguez-Huete A; Mateu MG; Castón JR, 2023, 'Equilibrium Dynamics of a Biomolecular Complex Analyzed at Single-amino Acid Resolution by Cryo-electron Microscopy: Equilibrium Dynamics Revealed by cryo-EM Maps', Journal of Molecular Biology, 435,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Zapata-Zapata C; Rojas-López M; García LT; Quintero W; Terrón MC; Luque D; Mesa-Arango AC, 2023, 'Lippia origanoides Essential Oil or Thymol in Combination with Fluconazole Produces Damage to Cells and Reverses the Azole-Resistant Phenotype of a Candida tropicalis Strain', Journal of Fungi, 9,
    Journal articles | 2022
    García-Ríos E; Rodríguez MJ; Terrón MC; Luque D; Pérez-Romero P, 2022, 'Identification and Characterization of Epithelial Cell-Derived Dense Bodies Produced upon Cytomegalovirus Infection', Vaccines, 10,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Luque D; Goulas T; Mata CP; Mendes SR; Gomis-Rüth FX; Castón JR, 2022, 'Cryo-EM structures show the mechanistic basis of pan-peptidase inhibition by human α2-macroglobulin', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Luque D; Goulas T; Mata CP; Mendes SR; Gomis-Rüth FX; Castón JR, 2022, 'Reply to Harwood et al.: Alternative functional conformations of native human α2-macroglobulin', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Luque D; Goulas T; Mata CP; Mendes SR; Xavier Gomis-Ruth F; Caston JR, 2022, 'Erratum: Cryo-EM structures show the mechanistic basis of pan-peptidase inhibition by human α2 -macroglobulin (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2022) 119 (e2200102119) DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2200102119)', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Acebo P; Herranz C; Espenberger LB; Gómez‐sanz A; Terrón MC; Luque D; Amblar M, 2021, 'A small non‐coding rna modulates expression of pilus‐1 type in streptococcus pneumoniae', Microorganisms, 9,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Nath BK; Das S; Roby JA; Sarker S; Luque D; Raidal SR; Forwood JK, 2021, 'Structural Perspectives of Beak and Feather Disease Virus and Porcine Circovirus Proteins', Viral Immunology, 34, pp. 49 - 59,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Conesa JJ; Sevilla E; Terrón MC; González LM; Gray J; Pérez-Berná AJ; Carrascosa JL; Pereiro E; Chichón FJ; Luque D; Montero E, 2020, 'Four-Dimensional Characterization of the Babesia divergens Asexual Life Cycle, from the Trophozoite to the Multiparasite Stage', mSphere, 5,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Luque D; Castón JR, 2020, 'Cryo-electron microscopy for the study of virus assembly', Nature Chemical Biology, 16, pp. 231 - 239,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Ortega-Esteban Á; Mata CP; Rodríguez-Espinosa MJ; Luque D; Irigoyen N; Rodríguez JM; de Pablo PJ; Castón JR, 2020, 'Cryo-electron Microscopy Structure, Assembly, and Mechanics Show Morphogenesis and Evolution of Human Picobirnavirus', Journal of Virology, 94,
    Journal articles | 2019
    De Ruiter MV; Klem R; Luque D; Cornelissen JJLM; Castón JR, 2019, 'Structural nanotechnology: Three-dimensional cryo-EM and its use in the development of nanoplatforms for: In vitro catalysis', Nanoscale, 11, pp. 4130 - 4146,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Falcó I; Randazzo W; Rodríguez-Díaz J; Gozalbo-Rovira R; Luque D; Aznar R; Sánchez G, 2019, 'Antiviral activity of aged green tea extract in model food systems and under gastric conditions', International Journal of Food Microbiology, 292, pp. 101 - 106,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Jiménez-Zaragoza M; Yubero MPL; Martín-Forero E; Castón JR; Reguera D; Luque D; de Pablo PJ; Rodríguez JM, 2018, 'Biophysical properties of single rotavirus particles account for the functions of protein shells in a multilayered virus', eLife, 7,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Luque D; Mata CP; Suzuki N; Ghabrial SA; Castón JR, 2018, 'Capsid structure of dsRNA fungal viruses', Viruses, 10,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Mata CP; Mertens J; Fontana J; Luque D; Allende-Ballestero C; Reguera D; Trus BL; Steven AC; Carrascosa JL; Castón JR, 2018, 'The RNA-binding protein of a double-stranded RNA virus acts like a scaffold protein', Journal of Virology, 92,
    Journal articles | 2018
    McCoy K; Selivanovitch E; Luque D; Lee B; Edwards E; Castón JR; Douglas T, 2018, 'Cargo Retention inside P22 Virus-Like Particles', Biomacromolecules, 19, pp. 3738 - 3746,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Olmedillas E; Cano O; Martínez I; Luque D; Terrón MC; McLellan JS; Melero JA; Más V, 2018, 'Chimeric Pneumoviridae fusion proteins as immunogens to induce cross-neutralizing antibody responses', EMBO Molecular Medicine, 10, pp. 175 - 187,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Sevilla E; González LM; Luque D; Gray J; Montero E, 2018, 'Kinetics of the invasion and egress processes of Babesia divergens, observed by time-lapse video microscopy', Scientific Reports, 8,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Brasch M; Putri RM; De Ruiter MV; Luque D; Koay MST; Castón JR; Cornelissen JJLM, 2017, 'Assembling enzymatic cascade pathways inside virus-based nanocages using dual-tasking nucleic acid tags', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139, pp. 1512 - 1519,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Mata CP; Luque D; Gómez-Blanco J; Rodríguez JM; González JM; Suzuki N; Ghabrial SA; Carrascosa JL; Trus BL; Castón JR, 2017, 'Acquisition of functions on the outer capsid surface during evolution of double-stranded RNA fungal viruses', PLoS Pathogens, 13,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Otón J; Pereiro E; Conesa JJ; Chichón FJ; Luque D; Rodríguez JM; Pérez-Berná AJ; Sorzano COS; Klukowska J; Herman GT; Vargas J; Marabini R; Carrascosa JL; Carazo JM, 2017, 'XTEND: Extending the depth of field in cryo soft X-ray tomography', Scientific Reports, 7,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Putri RM; Allende-Ballestero C; Luque D; Klem R; Rousou KA; Liu A; Traulsen CHH; Rurup WF; Koay MST; Castón JR; Cornelissen JJLM, 2017, 'Structural Characterization of Native and Modified Encapsulins as Nanoplatforms for in Vitro Catalysis and Cellular Uptake', ACS Nano, 11, pp. 12796 - 12804,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Llauró A; Luque D; Edwards E; Trus BL; Avera J; Reguera D; Douglas T; Pablo PJD; Castón JR, 2016, 'Cargo-shell and cargo-cargo couplings govern the mechanics of artificially loaded virus-derived cages', Nanoscale, 8, pp. 9328 - 9336,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Luque D; Mata CP; González-Camacho F; González JM; Gómez-Blanco J; Alfonso C; Rivas G; Havens WM; Kanematsu S; Suzuki N; Ghabrial SA; Trus BL; Castón JR, 2016, 'Heterodimers as the structural unit of the T=1 capsid of the fungal double-stranded RNA Rosellinia necatrix quadrivirus 1', Journal of Virology, 90, pp. 11220 - 11230,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Mesa-Arango AC; Rueda C; Román E; Quintin J; Terrón MC; Luque D; Netea MG; Pla J; Zaragoza O, 2016, 'Cell wall changes in amphotericin B-resistant strains from Candida tropicalis and relationship with the immune responses elicited by the host', Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 60, pp. 2326 - 2335,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Más V; Rodriguez L; Olmedillas E; Cano O; Palomo C; Terrón MC; Luque D; Melero JA; McLellan JS, 2016, 'Engineering, Structure and Immunogenicity of the Human Metapneumovirus F Protein in the Postfusion Conformation', PLoS Pathogens, 12,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Palomo C; Mas V; Thom M; Vázquez M; Cano O; Terrón MC; Luque D; Taylor G; Melero JA, 2016, 'Influence of respiratory syncytial virus F glycoprotein conformation on induction of protective immune responses', Journal of Virology, 90, pp. 5485 - 5498,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Sarker S; Terrón MC; Khandokar Y; Aragão D; Hardy JM; Radjainia M; Jiménez-Zaragoza M; De Pablo PJ; Coulibaly F; Luque D; Raidal SR; Forwood JK, 2016, 'Structural insights into the assembly and regulation of distinct viral capsid complexes', Nature Communications, 7,
    Journal articles | 2016
    del Carmen Terrón M; González-Camacho F; González LM; Luque D; Montero E, 2016, 'Ultrastructure of the Babesia divergens free merozoite', Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases, 7, pp. 1274 - 1279,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Garcia-Ferrer I; Arêde P; Gómez-Blanco J; Luque D; Duquerroy S; Castón JR; Goulas T; Gomis-Rüth FX, 2015, 'Structural and functional insights into Escherichia coli α2 -macroglobulin endopeptidase snap-trap inhibition', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112, pp. 8290 - 8295,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Garciadoval C; Castón JR; Luque D; Granell M; Otero JM; Llamas-Saiz AL; Renouard M; Boulanger P; van Raaij MJ, 2015, 'Structure of the receptor-binding carboxy-terminal domain of the bacteriophage T5 L-shaped tail fibre with and without its intra-molecular chaperone', Viruses, 7, pp. 6424 - 6440,
    Journal articles | 2015
    González LM; Castro E; Lobo CA; Richart A; Ramiro R; González-Camacho F; Luque D; Velasco AC; Montero E, 2015, 'First report of Babesia divergens infection in an HIV patient', International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 33, pp. e202 - e204,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Rodríguez L; Olmedillas E; Mas V; Vázquez M; Cano O; Terrón MC; Luque D; Palomo C; Melero JA, 2015, 'Generation of monoclonal antibodies specific of the postfusion conformation of the Pneumovirinae fusion (F) protein', Journal of Virological Methods, 224, pp. 1 - 8,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Rodríguez-Mora S; Mateos E; Moran M; Martín MÁ; López JA; Calvo E; Terrón MC; Luque D; Muriaux D; Alcamí J; Coiras M; López-Huertas MR, 2015, 'Intracellular expression of Tat alters mitochondrial functions in T cells: A potential mechanism to understand mitochondrial damage during HIV-1 replication', Retrovirology, 12,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Gonzalez LM; Rojo S; Gonzalez-Camacho F; Luque D; Lobo CA; Montero E, 2014, 'Severe babesiosis in immunocompetent man, Spain, 2011', Emerging Infectious Diseases, 20, pp. 724 - 726,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Luque D; De La Escosura A; Snijder J; Brasch M; Burnley RJ; Koay MST; Carrascosa JL; Wuite GJL; Roos WH; Heck AJR; Cornelissen JJLM; Torres T; Castón JR, 2014, 'Self-assembly and characterization of small and monodisperse dye nanospheres in a protein cage', Chemical Science, 5, pp. 575 - 581,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Luque D; Gómez-Blanco J; Garriga D; Brilot AF; González JM; Havens WM; Carrascosa JL; Trus BL; Verdaguer N; Ghabrial SA; Castón JR, 2014, 'Cryo-EM near-atomic structure of a dsRNA fungal virus shows ancient structural motifs preserved in the dsRNA viral lineage', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, pp. 7641 - 7646,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Palomo C; Mas V; Vázquez M; Cano O; Luque D; Terrón MC; Calder LJ; Melero JA, 2014, 'Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies specific for the six-helix bundle of the human respiratory syncytial virus fusion glycoprotein as probes of the protein post-fusion conformation', Virology, 460-461, pp. 119 - 127,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Rodríguez JM; Chichón FJ; Martín-Forero E; González-Camacho F; Carrascosa JL; Castón JR; Luque D, 2014, 'New Insights into Rotavirus Entry Machinery: Stabilization of Rotavirus Spike Conformation Is Independent of Trypsin Cleavage', PLoS Pathogens, 10,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Garcia-Doval C; Luque D; Castón JR; Boulanger P; Van Raaij MJ, 2013, 'Crystallization of the C-terminal domain of the bacteriophage T5 L-shaped fibre', Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications, 69, pp. 1363 - 1367,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Pickl-Herk A; Luque D; Vives-Adrián L; Querol-Audí J; Garriga D; Trus BL; Verdaguer N; Blaas D; Castón JR, 2013, 'Uncoating of common cold virus is preceded by RNA switching as determined by X-ray and cryo-EM analyses of the subviral A-particle', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110, pp. 20063 - 20068,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Garriga D; Pickl-Herk A; Luque D; Wruss J; Castón JR; Blaas D; Verdaguer N, 2012, 'Insights into minor group rhinovirus uncoating: The X-ray structure of the HRV2 empty capsid', PLoS Pathogens, 8,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Gómez-Blanco J; Luque D; González JM; Carrascosa JL; Alfonso C; Trus B; Havens WM; Ghabrial SA; Castón JR, 2012, 'Cryphonectria nitschkei virus 1 structure shows that the capsid protein of chrysoviruses is a duplicated helix-rich fold conserved in fungal double-stranded RNA viruses', Journal of Virology, 86, pp. 8314 - 8318,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Luque D; González JM; Gómez-Blanco J; Marabini R; Chichón J; Men I; Angulo I; Carrascosa JL; Verdaguer N; Trus BL; Bárcena J; Castón JR, 2012, 'Epitope insertion at the N-terminal molecular switch of the rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus T=3 capsid protein leads to larger T=4 capsids', Journal of Virology, 86, pp. 6470 - 6480,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Magro M; Mas V; Chappell K; Vázquez M; Cano O; Luque D; Terrón MC; Melero JA; Palomo C, 2012, 'Neutralizing antibodies against the preactive form of respiratory syncytial virus fusion protein offer unique possibilities for clinical intervention', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109, pp. 3089 - 3094,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Ionel A; Velázquez-Muriel JA; Luque D; Cuervo A; Castón JR; Valpuesta JM; Martín-Benito J; Carrascosa JL, 2011, 'Molecular rearrangements involved in the capsid shell maturation of bacteriophage T7', Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286, pp. 234 - 242,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Luque D; González JM; Garriga D; Ghabrial SA; Havens WM; Trus B; Verdaguer N; Carrascosa JL; Castón JR, 2010, 'The T=1 capsid protein of Penicillium chrysogenum virus is formed by a repeated helix-rich core indicative of gene duplication', Journal of Virology, 84, pp. 7256 - 7266,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Saugar I; Irigoyen N; Luque D; Carrascosa JL; Rodríguez JF; Castón JR, 2010, 'Electrostatic interactions between capsid and scaffolding proteins mediate the structural polymorphism of a double-stranded RNA virus', Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285, pp. 3643 - 3650,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Delgui L; Oña A; Gutiérrez S; Luque D; Navarro A; Castón JR; Rodríguez JF, 2009, 'The capsid protein of infectious bursal disease virus contains a functional α4β1 integrin ligand motif', Virology, 386, pp. 360 - 372,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Luque D; Rivas G; Alfonso C; Carrascosa JL; Rodríguez JF; Castón JR, 2009, 'Infectious bursal disease virus is an icosahedral polyploid dsRNA virus', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106, pp. 2148 - 2152,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Luque D; Saugar I; Rejas MT; Carrascosa JL; Rodríguez JF; Castón JR, 2009, 'Infectious Bursal Disease Virus: Ribonucleoprotein Complexes of a Double-Stranded RNA Virus', Journal of Molecular Biology, 386, pp. 891 - 901,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Querol-Audí J; Casãas A; Usón I; Luque D; Castón JR; Fita I; Verdaguer N, 2009, 'The mechanism of vault opening from the high resolution structure of the N-terminal repeats of MVP', EMBO Journal, 28, pp. 3450 - 3457,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Fernández JJ; Luque D; Castón JR; Carrascosa JL, 2008, 'Sharpening high resolution information in single particle electron cryomicroscopy', Journal of Structural Biology, 164, pp. 170 - 175,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Luque D; Saugar I; Rodríguez JF; Verdaguer N; Garriga D; San Martín C; Velázquez-Muriel JA; Trus BL; Carrascosa JL; Castón JR, 2007, 'Infectious bursal disease virus capsid assembly and maturation by structural rearrangements of a transient molecular switch', Journal of Virology, 81, pp. 6869 - 6878,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Castón JR; Luque D; Trus BL; Rivas G; Alfonso C; González JM; Carrascosa JL; Annamalai P; Ghabrial SA, 2006, 'Three-dimensional structure and stoichiometry of Helmintosporium victoriae190S totivirus', Virology, 347, pp. 323 - 332,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Saugar I; Luque D; Oña A; Rodríguez JF; Carrascosa JL; Trus BL; Castón JR, 2005, 'Structural polymorphism of the major capsid protein of a double-stranded RNA virus: An amphipathic α helix as a molecular switch', Structure, 13, pp. 1007 - 1017,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Oña A; Luque D; Abaitua F; Maraver A; Castón JR; Rodríguez JF, 2004, 'The C-terminal domain of the pVP2 precursor is essential for the interaction between VP2 and VP3, the capsid polypeptides of infectious bursal disease virus', Virology, 322, pp. 135 - 142,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Pettersen EF; Goddard TD; Huang CC; Couch GS; Greenblatt DM; Meng EC; Ferrin TE, 2004, 'UCSF Chimera--a visualization system for exploratory research and analysis.', J Comput Chem, 25, pp. 1605 - 1612,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Castón JR; Ghabrial SA; Jiang D; Rivas G; Alfonso C; Roca R; Luque D; Carrascosa JL, 2003, 'Three-dimensional structure of Penicillium chrysogenum virus: A double-stranded RNA virus with a genuine T=1 capsid', Journal of Molecular Biology, 331, pp. 417 - 431,

Dr. Luque research is focused on the structural characterisation of viral macromolecular complexes by three-dimensional electron microscopy techniques, specifically cryoEM and image processing. He have made significant contributions to the structural characterisation of a number of viral systems including i) dsRNA viruses such as Rotavirus, Birnavirus and several fungal viruses; ii) ssRNA viruses such as rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus, human rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, human metapneumovirus, and cowpea chlorotic mottle virus; iii) ssDNA viruses such as beak and feather disease virus and bat circovirus and iv) dsDNA bacteriophages such as T5, T7 and P22.

The most recent focus of his research is investigating how different viruses interact with the complex membranous system that surround and reside within the cell. In collaboration with other groups he is studding this phenomenon in three main research lines: i) development of nanotransporters/nanocages based on viral capsids, ii) membrane fusion proteins from different viruses including human respiratory syncytial virus (hRSV), human metapneumovirus (hMPV) and coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 & MERS) and iii) rotavirus entry and tropism.