
 Axel-Nathaniel Rose

Axel-Nathaniel Rose

PhD Candidate
Arts, Design & Architecture
School of the Arts & Media

Supervisors: Paul Dawson, Craig Billingham 

Axel-Nathaniel Rose (he/his) is an author, editor, and orator undertaking his Ph.D in Creative Writing. His research explores literary reception and literary fandom on blogging website Tumblr. His work lies at the intersection of literary studies, fan studies, and book history. His primary research interests are literary reception, fan cultures, English education, and digital hyperconnectivity.

Digital Literary Studies and Fan Studies


  • ‘#web weaving: Parallel Posts, Commonplace Books, and Networked Technologies of the Self on Tumblr’, special issue of Transformative Works and Cultures (forthcoming 2023).
  • ‘Parallel Posts, Tumblr, and the Necessity of Poetry in the Digital Age: “you are starved for it and you don’t even realise you’re hungry”’, special issue of Axon (forthcoming 2024).

Book Chapters:

  • (With Amelia Walker, Jax Brown, Mandy Henningham, Jarad Bruinstroop, Duc Dau, Misty Farqhar, and Quinn Eades) ‘Queer(y)ing board games as public pedagogy: “playing out of bounds” to activate LGBTQIA+ agency in academia and beyond’, in Amelia Walker, Helen Grimmett, and Alison L Black (eds), How Games Play Us: Ludic inquiries into power, pedagogy, and change, Routledge, forthcoming (2024).

Edited Journals:

  • լиeetened 2021: MYTHOS, 2021, (digital design and print design).
  • Tharunka Red, August 2019.

Conference Papers:

  • ‘#parallels: Hyperconnected Centos and the Digital Futures of Reading’, Australasian Association of Writing Programs Conference 2023: We Need to Talk, University of Canberra (2023)
  • ‘#web-weaving: Commonplace Books, Parallel Posts, and the Role of Poetry in the Digital Literary Sphere’, Out of the Ordinary: Poetry and the World, University of Canberra (2022)
  • ‘Continuities of Transformative Practice: From Commonplace Books to Parallel Posts’, Fan Studies Network of North America Conference 2022: Inside Voices (2022)

Select Creative Works:

  • ‘Like a Lonely House’ [play], 2021, directed Eric Jiang, produced New South Wales University Theatrical Society, June 2021.
  • ‘Stars, Hide Your Fires’ [novella], Aesthetic: A Dark Academia Anthology, ed. Ivana Sanders, June 2021.
  • ‘’ [short story], լиeetened Literary Journal 2020, ed. Chloe Kelly, 18th October 2020. 
  • ‘Cherry Blossoms’ [short story], Tharunka Movement, ed. Henry Chen, March 2020.
  • ‘PINK’ [play], 2019, directed Axel-Nathaniel Rose, produced New South Wales University Theatrical Society, April 2019.
  • ‘Barren’ [short story], Tharunka Green, ed. Georgia Rose Philips, March 2019.
  • ‘’ [short story], լиeetened Literary Journal 2018, ed. Jennifer Bowers, 23rd August 2018, pp. 62-67. Status: published (print and online).