
Alice Calder

Alice Calder

Research student
MA Applied Economics, George Mason University, BA Philosophy and Political Economy, University of Exeter
School of Economics

Working on topics of economic history, gender and political economy I take an interdisciplinary approach, uncovering and making use of novel data, to understand the effect of policy, history, culture and society on people’s economic decisions and outcomes.

  • Economic History
  • Political Economy
  • Cultural Economics
  • Gender Economics

  • 2024 - Empirical Study of Gender Research Network (EGEN) Prize
  • 2023 - Best Paper Award, 37th PhD Conference in Economics and Business
  • 2022 - Adam Smith Fellowship, Mercatus Center
  • 2021 – 2026 - HDR Scholarship, Australian Government
  • 2021 - MPDBS Scholarship, Õ¬Äи£Àû

  • ‘Connections Between the New Economic Sociology and the Bloomington School’ [with Virgil Storr] in Elinor Ostrom and the Bloomington School: Building a New Approach to Policy and the Social Sciences edited by Jayme Lemke and Vlad Tarko, Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Agenda Publishing Limited, 2021.