
  • Contract research ($354.7k), “Underground Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance for Unmanned Equipment”, CCTEG international collaboration grant, 2022
  • SBIR ($100k), “A feasibility study that evaluates the technical feasibility of Ultra-Wide Band based positioning system for the Hyperlocal Navigation Challenge”, 2021
  • CRC-P ($3m), "Underground mine LoRa network for monitoring/control/backup/rescue/ robotics", 2021
  • ARC Research Hub for Connected Sensors for Health ($5m), 2021.
  • ARC Industry Transformation Research Hub for Resilient and Intelligent Infrastructure Systems in Urban, Resources and Energy Sectors ($5m), 2021.
  • Contract research ($85,5k), “Rock Bolt Detection Based on LiDAR Point Cloud”, DSIU & 21MT, 2021
  • ACARP($146k) “Investigating Vibration Energy Harvesting for Self-powered Sensors at Mine Sites”, 2020
  • CRC-P ($3m) “DeepIoT – A New Hybrid Wireless IoT Platform for Underground Mines”, 2020
  • DIIU Seed Fund ($30k) “Positioning and navigation for people who are blind or have low vision in indoor environments based on ultra-wide band”, 2019
  • Linkage Gold Star Award ($50k) “a wearable indoor navigation device for blind and vision impaired persons”, 2018
  • Cross-Faculty Research Grant ($47.5k) “3D-enhanced facility management for supporting navigation experience of disabled people”, 2018
  • Faculty Research Infrastructure Fund ($107k) “GPS/GNSS Multi-frequency Signal Simulator”, 2018
  • DIIS Global Connections Fund Bridging Grant ($49.8k) “A cost effective communication mechanism for underground mine Internet of Things”, 2017