
Õ¬Äи£Àû Photonics and Optical Communications Group has access to a wide range of state-of-the art facilities for advanced research in Photonics. Our facilities underpin key cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary photonics research spanning chemistry, physics and engineering across Australia and globally.Ìý

Joint NationalÌýFibreÌýFacilityÌý

ÌýThe Joint NationalÌýFibreÌýFacility at Õ¬Äи£ÀûÌýis the latest state-of-the-art silicaÌýfibreÌýfabrication facility, built on the combined experience of opticalÌýfibreÌýresearch based across NSW. It’s supported by Australian Research Council and nine Australian University partners including:Ìý

  • The University of New South Wales (Õ¬Äи£Àû)ÌýÌý
  • The University of SydneyÌýÌý
  • The University of MelbourneÌýÌý
  • Macquarie UniversityÌýÌý
  • Victoria University of TechnologyÌý
  • Wollongong UniversityÌýÌý
  • Swinburne University of TechnologyÌý
  • The University of NewcastleÌýÌý
  • The University of Southern QueenslandÌý

It is dedicated to the production of research grade silicaÌýfibresÌýand enhancing the pioneering work in Australian opticalÌýfibreÌýresearch, pioneered at Õ¬Äи£Àû, over many decades. It includes on-site MCVD fabrication, the tallest research intensive draw tower in the Southern HemisphereÌýand extensiveÌýcharacterisationÌýequipment including a new performÌýanalyser. Through its partners, a comprehensive and completeÌýcharacterisationÌýprocess for all opticalÌýfibresÌýexists.Ìý

For more information, contactÌýProf. Gang-Ding Peng.Ìý


Our researchers have access to:Ìý

  • MCVDÌýFacility:Ìýrecently undergone aÌýmajor upgradeÌýwith a new in Heathway MCVD control system and lathe installationÌý
  • PolymerÌýfiberÌýfabrication facility:Ìýthis includes material processing systems,ÌýpolymerisationÌýsystems,ÌýfiberÌýdrawing rigÌý
  • Advanced Planar Waveguide Fabrication facility: The laboratory has an advanced planar waveguide fabrication facility based on Hollow Cathode Plasma Enhanced ChemicalÌýVapourÌýDeposition (HC-PECVD) and Hollow Cathode - Reactive Ion Etch (HC-RIE) systemsÌýÌý
  • Silica Fiber Grating and Fiber Laser Fabrication System: an industrial standard facility forÌýfiberÌýBragg grating inscription using UVÌýArÌýion laser. Using this facility high standard Bragg gratings can be inscribed in silica fibers.Ìý
  • Polymer Fiber Grating Fabrication Facility:Ìýthis lab is home to a high power He-Cd laser, Phase masks and modifiedÌýSagnacÌýinterferometric Bragg grating setup for grating inscriptionÌý
  • UV-IR Tunable Laser MOPOÌý
  • PreformÌýAnalyserÌýSystemÌý
  • Various photonics and optical test andÌýcharacterisationÌýsystemsÌý