
    • Hall, L and S Schmeidl “Displacement, Migration and the Women, Peace and Security Agenda” in Sara E. Davies and Jacqui True (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Women Peace and Security;
    • Schmeidl S, 2017 (forthcoming) ‘Internal displacement in Afghanistan: the tip of the iceberg’ in William Maley, Srinjoy Bose and Nishank Motwani (eds) Afghanistan - Challenges and Prospects. Oxford: Routledge. 
    • Schmeidl S, Hedditch, K 2017 (forthcoming) “Changing Patterns of Internal Displacement: The Art of Figure Skating” in Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi, Graeme Hugo and Ellen P. Kraly (eds.) The Demography of (Refugee and) Forced Migration. Berlin: Springer.
    • Schmeidl, S 2016. Going, Going … Once again Gone? The Human Capital Outflow from Afghanistan Post 2014 Election. In E. Hopper (Ed.), TELLING THE STORY”. Sources of Tension in Afghanistan & Pakistan: A Regional Perspective (2011-2016) (pp. 105-152). Barcelona: CIDOB: Barcelona Centre for International Affairs. [republication of 2014 report]
    • Schmeidl S, 2012, “Protracted Displacement in Afghanistan: Will History Be Repeated?” IN Calabrese J; Marret J-L (eds.) Transatlantic Cooperation on Protracted Displacement: Urgent Need and Unique Opportunity. Washington, DC: Middle East Institute.
    • Schmeidl S, Maley W, 2008, “The Case of the Afghan Refugee Population: Finding Durable Solutions in Contested Transitions.” Pp.131-179 in Howard Adelman (ed.) Protracted Displacement in Asia: No Place to Call լи. Ashgate Publishers
    • Schmeidl S, 2003, “The Early Warning of Forced Migration: State or Human Security?” Pp. 130-154 In Edward Newman and Joanne van Selm (eds.) Refugees and Forced Displacement: International Security, Human Vulnerability, and the State. Tokyo: The UNU Press. 
    • Schmeidl S, 2001, "Conflict and Forced Migration: A Quantitative Review." In: Aristide Zolberg and Peter Benda, (eds.), Global Migrants, Global Refugees: Problems and Solutions. Providence, Berghahn Books.
    • Schmeidl S, 2000, "The Quest for Accuracy in the Estimation of Forced Migration." Pp.164-182 in Stephen C. Lubkemann, Larry Minear, and Thomas G. Weiss, (eds.) Humanitarian Action: Social Science Connections. Providence, RI: Watson Institute, Occasional Paper Series.
    • Schmeidl S, 2000, "Forced Migration and Conflict Mediation in Africa." Pp.200-229 in R. Ragaini (Ed.) International Seminar on Nuclear War and Planetary Emergencies, 24th Session. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
    • Jenkins C, Schmeidl S, 1998, "Early Warning of Forced Migration." Pp. 56-69 in: John Davies and Ted Robert Gurr (eds.) Preventive Measures: Building Risk Assessment and Crisis Early Warning Systems. New York: Rowan & Littlefield
    • Schmeidl, S, 1998, "Comparative Trends in Forced Displacement: IDPs and Refugees, 1964-1996." Pp. 24-33 in: Janie Hampton (ed.): Internally Displaced People: A Global Survey. London: Earthscan Publications;
    • Schmeidl, S, 1996,"Causes of Forced Exodus: Five Principal Explanations in the Scholarly Literature and Six Findings from Empirical Research" Pp. 15-43 in Alex P. Schmid (ed.) Whither Refugee? The Refugee Crisis: Problems and Solutions. Leiden: PIOOM (ISBN 90 71042 89 8).
    • Schmeidl S, Bose S, 2016. “Youth Interrupted: The Consequences of Urban Displacement for Young Men and Women in Afghanistan”. Journal of Peacebuilding & Development, 11(3), 68-82. 
    • Schmeidl S 2016 “Deconstructing Afghan displacement data: Acknowledging the elephant in the dark”. Migration Policy Practice, 7(3 (June-September 2016)), 10-16. Retrieved from 
    • Schmeidl S 2015 “Darkness at the Edge of Towns - The Plight of Young Displaced Women in Urban Afghanistan”. Human Rights Defender, 24(3), 15-18. Retrieved from 
    • Tyler D, and Schmeidl S, 2014, “Urban realities for displaced young women and girls;” Forced Migration Review: Afghanistan's displaced people: 2014 and beyond, Issue 46: 37-38; 
    • Schmeidl S, 2014 “Heeding the warning signs: further displacement predicted for Afghanistan;” Forced Migration Review: Afghanistan's displaced people: 2014 and beyond, Issue 46: 41-44; 
    • Schmeidl S, 2009, “Repatriation to Afghanistan: durable solution or responsibility shifting?” Forced Migration Review, Issue 33 (September 2009) Protracted Displacement, 20-22. http://www.fmreview.org/FMRpdfs/FMR33/20-22.pdf
    • Schmeidl, S, Jenkins J.C. 2003, “Measuring International Forced Migration, 1969-1999: The Global Forced Migration Project.” International Journal of Sociology 33: 70-87.
    • Schmeidl S, 2002, "(Human) Security Dilemmas: Long-term Implications of the Afghan Refugee Crisis." Third World Quarterly 23(1):7-29.
    • Jenkins C, Schmeidl S, 1998, "The Early Warning of Humanitarian Disasters: Problems in Building an Early Warning System." International Migration Review32:471-486
    • Wayland S, Schmeidl S, 1999, “Book Review of Jacobson D, 1996, Rights Across Borders: Immigration and the Decline of Citizenship,” Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press (181p); International Migration Review 31(3):735-736
    • Schmeidl S, 1997, "Exploring the Causes of Forced Migration: A Pooled Time Series Analysis, 1971-1990." Social Science Quarterly78(2):284-308.
    • Jenkins C, Schmeidl, S, 1996, "Issues in Quantitative Modeling of Early Warning Analysis." REFUGE: Canada's Periodical on Refugees 15(4):4-8. http://refuge.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/refuge/article/view/21877/20546
    • Jenkins C, Schmeidl, S, 1995, "Flight from Violence: The Origins and Implications of the World Refugee Crisis." Sociological Focus28(1):63-82; with J. Craig Jenkins.
    • Schmeidl S, 1994, "Ethnic Dynamics in Forced Migration: A Comparison of Afghan and Palestinian Refugees." International Journal of Group Tensions24(4):333-360.
    • Schmeidl S, Tyler D. 2015. Listen to Women and Girls Displaced to Urban Afghanistan, Norwegian Refugee Council and The Liaison Office; 
    • Schmeidl, S, 2014, “Going, Going … Once again Gone? The Human Capital Outflow from Afghanistan Post 2014 Election;” CIDOB: Barcelona Centre for International Affairs
    • Schmeidl S, 2011, “Protracted Displacement in Afghanistan: Will History Be Repeated?” Washington D.C./Paris: Middle East Institute and French Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique; [online version became book-chapter in 2012]
    • Schmeidl S, Mundt, A, Miszak, N, 2010, Beyond the Blanket: Towards more Effective Protection for Internally Displaced Persons in Southern Afghanistan, a Joint Report of the Brookings/Bern Project on Internal Displacement and The Liaison Office, Washington D.C.: The Brookings Institution; 
    • Koser K, Schmeidl S, 2009, “Displacement, Human Development, and Security in Afghanistan,” Pp.8-22 in Hady Amr (Ed.) Displacement in the Muslim World: A Focus on Afghanistan and Iraq. Washington DC: Saban Center at The Brookings Institution; 
    • Schmeidl, S, 1996, “Hard Times in Countries of Origin." Pp.43-60 in Alex P. Schmid (ed.) Migration and Crime. Proceedings of an Ancillary Meeting (May 3, 1995 in Cairo, Egypt) on the Occasion of the United Nations' 9th World Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders. Milan, Italy: ISPAC.